- Cordilleran Canastero n. 高山卡纳雀
- Sunrise from the Summit of Pisco (18.000) over the Cordillera in Peru. 在雁列山脉的上方日出图片 Sunrise over the Cordillera.
- A city of north-central Colombia in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes. 布卡拉曼加哥伦比亚中部偏北,科迪勒拉山系的安第斯山脉东部的一城市。
- At the end of the ice age, a lobe of the vast Cordilleran Ice Sheet oozed into the gap between two mountains near the present-day town of Sandpoint, Idaho. 在冰川期结束时,一块巨大的山脉冰床缓缓地渗人了位于今天爱达荷州桑德波特镇附近两山间的峡谷中。
- Spatial Patterns of Preinstrumental Moisture Variability in the Southern Canadian Cordillera. 加拿大山脉南部仪器之前湿度变化的空间分布。
- At the end of the ice age,a lobe of the vast Cordilleran Ice Sheet oozed into the gap between two mountains near the present-day town of Sandpoint,Idaho. 在冰川期结束时,一块巨大的山脉冰床缓缓地渗人了位于今天爱达荷州桑德波特镇附近两山间的峡谷中。
- This site offers a data collection with descriptions of the mineral deposit types that can be found in the Cordillera. 该网站提供了一个科迪勒拉山系的矿藏类型的数据集合。
- A river rising in the Cordillera Central of western Colombia and flowing about 9'5 km ('00 mi) northward to the Magdalena River. 考加河:发源于哥伦比亚西部科迪勒拉中央山脉的一条河流,流程约9'5公里('00英里),向北注入马格得连纳河
- A mountain, ,338.' m (4,389 ft) high, of central Puerto Rico in the Cordillera Central. It is the highest elevation on the island. 塞罗德潘塔山:波多黎各中部科迪勒拉山脉一山峰,高;338.;'米(4;389英尺)。为该岛的最高处
- Running along the border separating Peru and Ecuador, the Cordillera del Condor's spectacular cloud forests host a raft of rare and endangered species. 康多尔山脉雾林位于秘鲁和厄瓜多尔的交界线上,景色壮丽非凡,滋养着大量稀有濒危物种。
- The mountain is the peak of the Qionglai Mountains of the Hengduan Cordillera, which is in the east of The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 东起汶川卧龙大熊猫自然保护区,西至丹巴墨尔多神山,北含理县毕棚沟,南及宝兴蜂桶寨。
- A city of north-central Colombia in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes. Founded in '22, it is a leading commercial center. Population, 342,'9. 布卡拉曼加:哥伦比亚中部偏北,安第斯山脉的东科迪勒拉山中一城市。建于'22年,是主要的商业中心。人口342,'9
- A city of north-central Colombia in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes. Founded in1622, it is a leading commercial center. Population,342, 169. 布卡拉曼加哥伦比亚中部偏北,科迪勒拉山系的安第斯山脉东部的一城市。建于1622年,主要的商业中心。人口342,169
- An inactive volcano, ',27. m (20,5' ft) high, in central Ecuador. The highest elevation of the Cordillera Real, it was first scaled in 880. 钦博腊索山:厄瓜多尔中部的一座死火山,高';27.;米(20;5'英尺)。是雷阿尔山脉的最高峰,880年首次有人登上顶峰
- During an assignment to the Cordillera Sarmiento, an unexplored mountain range at the southern tip of Chile, Gordon Wiltsie's team climbed one of the highest peaks in the region. 意译:主标题:“小鬼的帽子”。
- Instead of benefiting from these, however, the people of the Cordillera del Condor have suffered decades of hostility, border conflicts, and government neglect. 但遗憾的是,此处居民并未因此而受益,反而常年饱尝由相互敌对,边境冲突及政府的漠不关心所带来的巨大痛苦。
- The mountain lies in south side of the Qing Ling cordillera, the altitude is about 1000-1300 meter high, where is fit for a variety of trees and vegetation to grow. 位于秦岭南麓的所属林地,海拔1000至1300米,适合多种树木植被的生长。
- North of the Cordillera is the karst country where the limestone has been acted upon by water to produce a series of small steep hills and deep holes, both conical in shape. 山脉的北部是岩溶地区,那里石灰石在水的作用下缔造了一系列陡峭的小山和深邃的洞穴,两者在形状上都呈圆锥形。
- Form the northern deserts to the southern Adean Cordillera ,from Iguazu Fall to the magnificeent desolation ofPatagonia .Argentina's geogggraphy is varied and stunning . 从北部的大沙漠到南部的安第斯山脉、从伊瓜苏大瀑布到巴塔哥尼亚慌原,处处都显示着阿根廷地形的复杂多变,让人流连忘返。
- Other floods also happened at the margins of all the major northern ice sheets--the Laurentide and Cordilleran in INorth America, and the Ferinoscandian and Eurasian sheets on the other side of the Atlantic. 在北部各大冰原的边际地带,还曾爆发过其他洪水一北美洲的劳伦泰和安第斯山脉,大西洋另一侧的芬挪斯堪的纳和亚欧冰原。