- Coptis quinquesecta n. 五裂黄连
- So Coptis chinensis is a typical kind of sciophyte. 上述特征表明黄连为典型的阴地植物。
- Aus den unterirdischen Teil von Coptis chinensis Franch. 四川峨眉山产野(黄)连Coptis chinensis Franch.
- To optimize the best extraction process of Rhizoma Coptis. 目的:优选黄连最佳提取工艺。
- Be abstracted on the research paper of wild Coptis by Chemical Abstract. 野生黄连研究成果被美国化学文摘收录。
- Study on Optimization of ISSR Reaction Conditions for Coptis Chinensis Franch. 黄连ISSR反应条件优化的研究。
- OBJECTIVE:To study the serum pharmacochemistry of Coptis chinensis Franch. 目的:对黄连进行血清药物化学研究。
- Quantitative analysis on different proportions of couple of Coptis and Scute. 对黄连与黄芩的不同比例配伍进行定量研究。
- Any of several plants of the genus Coptis, having white flowers, slender yellow roots, ternately divided evergreen leaves, and clusters of follicles. 黄莲一种黄莲属的植物,有白花,根又黄又细,分裂的常绿三出叶,有成簇的骨突
- The Studies of Extraction Process of Berberine Hydrochloride in Coptis Chinensis Franch. 黄连中盐酸小檗碱提取工艺探究。
- METHODS The TLC method was used to identify the Schisandra, Yanhusuo and Coptis in the preparation. [方法]采用薄层色谱法对降糖灵胶囊中的五味子、延胡索及黄连进行定性鉴别。
- Cheng et Hsiao or Coptis teeta Wallich (Ranunculaceae), from which the roots have been removed practically. Cheng et Hsiao或云连Coptis teeta Wallich的除去须根后的根茎。
- Methods:TLC was employed to identify Auckiandialappa Decne and Coptis chinensis. 方法采用薄层色谱法对理气胃痛片中木香、黄连进行定性鉴别。
- The heat solid-liquid extraction process,used in extracting berbetine from coptis,is described. 采用新的固液热提取方法从黄连中提取小檗碱,获得该法的最佳提取条件。
- Definition: Chinese goldthread is the dried rhizome of Coptis Chinese Franch., Coptis deltoidea C. 本品为毛茛科植物黄连 Coptis Chinese Franch.;、三角叶黄连Coptis deltoidea C
- In accordance with the Xianfeng county annals, it has been more than 300 years since coptis began to plant here. 据咸丰县志记载,咸丰栽培黄连已有三百多年的历史。
- Objective: To study the effects of four kind of slow-release fertilizers on yield and quality of Coptis chinensis. 目的:研究4种缓释肥对一至三年生黄连的产量、养分及品质的影响。
- Objective:To study the autointoxication of aquatic extracts from different parts of Coptis chinensis. 目的:研究黄连不同部位水浸液对黄连生长的自毒作用。
- RESULT:ten compounds were detected after oral admin-istration of Coptis chinensis Franch,ten are the ori... 结论:黄连血清药物化学表征为阐明黄连药理作用及其机理提供依据。
- Any of several plants of the genus Coptis,having white flowers,slender yellow roots,ternately divided evergreen leaves,and clusters of follicles. 黄莲一种黄莲属的植物,有白花,根又黄又细,分裂的常绿三出叶,有成簇的骨突