- We involve ourselves deeply in community affairs. 我们全身心地投入公众事务中。
- Young adults should be given opportunities to play a more active role in community affairs. 我们应该让青年有更多参与社会事务的机会。
- Work with each other, and to improve the well-being of Chinese immigrants, and to promote their community affairs. 宗旨:工作重点互相配合,以提高国人与移民的福祉,促进他们参予社区事务。
- NYPD Community Affairs Bureau issued New York State Safe Child Cards to children under 17 years old at CCBA. 纽约市警总局社区事务部在中华公所为儿童办理纽约州儿童安全卡。
- NYPD Community Affairs Bureau held the first cross-precincts community affairs meeting, to strengthen the relationship between NYPD and the community. 纽约市警总局社区事务处在中华公所首次举行亚裔社区警局联合大会,加强华人社区与各辖区分局的了解沟通。
- If I'm busy in community affairs, teach Sunday School, and drive in the carpool, but fail to give adequate love to my family -I gain nothing. 如果我在社区很活跃,当主日学老师,当孩子们的司机,但是对家人不表现适当地的爱,那我依然一无所得。
- Percentage of women who become a member of the CBO, which affect community affairs, e.g. Association, cooperative or village committee. 妇女参与合作社、协会、村委会等对社区事务有影响的社区组织(成为成员)比率。
- Chinese speaking officers from NYPD Manhattan South Borough Community Affairs Bureau setup monthly forums at CCBA meeting room to assist Chinese residents. 纽约市警总局社区事务处华语联络官到中华公所举办每月一次的服务讲座,回答侨胞问题。
- The NYPD Community Affairs Bureau hosted a seminar at CCBA. Officials from New York State Department of Labor explained to public about common labor laws. 纽约市警察局社区关系部在中华公所举办讲座,由纽约州劳工厅官员向侨胞解释纽约州劳工法例。
- Dale Butler, minister for community affairs, meanwhile, revealed how his formal dress raised eyebrows when he represented Bermuda at last year's Olympic Games in Athens. 负责社区事务的部长巴特勒也披露他在去年雅典奥运期间穿著代表百慕达的正式短裤服装,却引起他人侧目的经过。
- Whatever else carnival may be, it is above all a pageant and no time for tears.And it is now a big business too, rather than the cosy community affair of old. 尽管人们可能带着某些情绪,但毕竟这是个狂欢节,是一桩没有太多时间留给眼泪的大买卖,不应该有一丁点敬老院里的舒适和缓慢。
- We have focused on the need to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness, to streamline the present organisational framework and to increase public accountability and public participation in community affairs. 主要着眼点是怎样提高服务效率和成本效益、精简现行的组织架构,提高政府在社区层面对公众的负责程度,以及鼓励市民积极叁与社区事务。
- We have focused on the need to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness,to streamline the present organisational framework and to increase public accountability and public participation in community affairs. 主要着眼点是怎样提高服务效率和成本效益、精简现行的组织架构,提高政府在社区层面对公众的负责程度,以及鼓励市民积极三与社区事务。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- Since their establishment in 1982,the District Boards (DBs) have effectively given advice and feedback to the Administration on local and territory-wide matters and encouraged participation in community affairs. 区议会自一九八二年成立以来,一直就地区以至全港事务向政府提供意见,反映市民心声,并致力推动市民三与社区事务,成绩有目共睹。
- Since their establishment in 1982, the District Boards (DBs) have effectively given advice and feedback to the Administration on local and territory-wide matters and encouraged participation in community affairs. 区议会自一九八二年成立以来,一直就地区以至全港事务向政府提供意见,反映市民心声,并致力推动市民叁与社区事务,成绩有目共睹。
- In the monthly NYPD Community Affairs seminar, information regarding the security tips during the Chinese New Year, fire safety, firework restriction, and children safety were released to the public. 在每月最后一个星期五在中华公所举办的纽约市警察局社区事务会议上,专业人士向侨胞讲解有关农历新年防盗、火知识、童安全等题目。
- To the ancient Greeks she was known as Themis, originally the organizer of the "communal affairs of humans, particularly assemblies. 古希腊人认为的正义女神是西弥斯,她最初是“人类共同事务,特别是公民大会”的组织者。
- Don't meddle in other people's affairs. 不要干涉别人的事情。
- She broadcasts on current affairs. 她发表时事广播演说。