- Combat Readiness Training Center 战备训练中心
- Marine Corps Combat Readiness Training 海军陆战队作战准备训练
- Combat Ready Training 战备训练
- No combat ready unit ever passed inspection. 备战妥当的单位从来通不过检查。
- No combat ready unit has ever passed imspections. 从没有一只完成战备的单位能通过校阅。
- Naval Combat Readiness And Training Division Combat Readiness Training Division 海军司令部战备训练处
- No combat ready unit has ever passed inspections. 没有整装待命的单位能通过检阅.
- No combat ready unit has ever passed inspecti. 从没有一支完成战备的单位能通过校阅。
- combat readiness training 战备训练
- The troops have entered into combat readiness. 部队已进入战备状态。
- In a separate dispatch, the agency said the military had ordered all personnel to be "fully combat ready" so that they could "deal merciless retaliatory blows" to the enemy. 在另外一份声明中,官方媒体说军队已经受命所有人员进入“完全战斗准备”状态,他们可以对敌人进行“无情的报复打击”。
- Winning the game will now improve your combat readiness. 通关会增加战斗准备。
- The effects of combat readiness is now much more effective. 战斗准备的效果将更加有效。
- Sincere desire service have became the leading development combat readiness. 诚心诚意服务已成为企业发展的主导战备。
- The fault forecast technology is an effective means to improve the combat readiness and mission reliability for large caliber guns that often carry out high-strength training and battle tasks. 对于执行高强度训练和作战任务的大口径火炮而言,故障预测技术是实现预知维修,提高火炮战备完好性和任务成功性的有效手段。
- Marine Combat Crew Readiness Training Group 陆战队空勤人员战备训练大队
- Combat Ready Early Warning System 战备预警系统
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- get ready for action; be combat ready 作好战斗准备