- He maintained close ties with the masses. 他和群众保持着密切的联系。
- We shall maintain close ties with the masses. 我们应和群众保持密切联系。
- We should maintain close ties with the masses . 我们应和群众保持密切的联系。
- I hope we can build closer ties in our business. 我希望我们能够建立更为密切的商业关系。
- I believe silks will bring us closer ties. 徐: 我相信丝绸会使我们的关系更加密。
- It's a good thing we've established a close tie. 还好我们已经建立了密切的联系。
- I have no doubts that it will bring about closer ties between us. 毫无疑问,它将使我们双方建立更紧密的联系。
- I have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between us. 毫无疑问,它将使我们双方建立更紧密的联系。
- You must maintain close ties to pay attention to this thing. 你们必须密切注意这件事。
- The firm has close ties with an American corporation. 这家商行与一家美国公司关系密切。
- In fact,you are developing closer and closer ties all throughout Asia. 事实上,澳洲在整个亚洲所建立的联系日益紧密。
- But what is most important is to maintain close ties with the masses. 密切联系群众,这是最根本的一条。
- In fact, you are developing closer and closer ties all throughout Asia. 事实上,澳洲在整个亚洲所建立的联系日益紧密。
- Besides the need for distance, there is also a need for closer ties. 在求“密”这一端的动力也不校
- Maintaining close ties with the masses is one of our Party's fine traditions. 密切联系群众是我党的优良传统之一。
- Cadres should forge close ties with soldiers and be integrated with them. 干部跟战士的关系应当密切,应当打成一片。
- Keep close ties with the people; do not go in for formalism and Bureaucracy. 坚持密切联系群众,反对形式主义、官僚主义
- He had close ties to both to German expressionism and to French surrealism. 他主要生活在两次世界大战之间,对现代诗歌感觉的形成做出重大贡献。
- Mr.Andrea Mamo is profoundly influenced by close ties between China a... 有着中国血统的Italian Wine &Food (IWF) 总裁Andrea Mamo先生深中意两国...
- Spatially the Pyrite mineralization has a close tie with volcanic regime. 硫铁矿化在空间分布上与火山构造关系密切。