- Clean and reusable resources 清洁可再生能源
- MWC elements are fully cleanable and reusable with routine cleaning methods. 多层金属烧结网是一种运用表面过滤机理的滤材,所以具有很低的过滤阻力。
- How do I clean and sanitize a reusable respirator? 如何清洗和消毒可重复使用的呼吸防护用品?
- Besides, the engine can reduce power consumption by gating the unused elements and reusing resources. 另外,通过关闭不用的单元和资源复用,该引擎能够有效地降低功耗。
- The filtration media are fully cleanable and reusable with standard methods, such as on-stream backpulsing, ultrasonic, chemical or high pressure water jet cleaning. 清洗性由于采用极佳的逆流清洗效果的表层过滤结构、清洗简单。
- Q45:How can I clean and sanitize reusable respirators and PAPRs? 问45:如何清洗和消毒可重复使用的呼吸器和PAPR?
- He came clean and confessed the whole thing. 他招供并承认一切罪行。
- When the waste water from factories is made clean and reused, a lot of money is saved. 当来自工厂的废水被净化后,重新利用,很多钱就会省下。
- When the waste water from factory is made clean and reused, a lot of money is saved. 工厂的废水净化后重新使用,可以节约很多钱。
- Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels. 让我们捐弃前嫌,忘却过去的争吵吧。
- The dentist was cleaning and taking out teeth. 牙科医生正在清洁和拔牙。
- He keeps his room clean and neat. 他使房间保持清洁和整齐。
- In fact the clean and jerk consist of two steps. 挺举实际上包括两个步骤。
- The floor has been rubbed clean and shiny. 地板擦得明光锃亮。
- The world's resources are finite, so we are trying to recycle reusable resources. 世界的资源是有限的,我们将尽量回收利用可持续资源。
- The rooms were cleaned and wallpapered. 房间打扫乾净并糊上了壁纸。
- The classroom was clean and tidy. 教室整齐清洁。
- Keep laundry cupboards clean and tidy. 保持洗衣房中柜子内的物品干净、整齐。
- Use clean and health utensils during treatment. 在治疗期间的干净使用和健康器具。
- Make sure your original is clean and readable. 确保原稿整洁易读。