- Citrine Warbler n. 柠黄王森莺
- The Citrine Mineral Kingdom addresses you today. 今天是黄水晶王国问候你们。
- European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage. 有暗黄色羽毛的欧洲森林地区的莺。
- But the warbler Decision: Silkworm won! 但黄莺裁决:蚕赢了!
- The warbler has a white throat and underparts. 那种莺的喉部和身体下部为白色。
- Looks like a worn and moulting Arctic Warbler. 看起来像是只羽毛磨损且正换羽中的极北柳莺.
- American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds. 以模仿其它鸟类叫声而著名的美洲林莺。
- Citrin washing's characteristics and mechanisation are discussed. 主要论述利用柠檬酸的特点和清洗机理。
- North American warbler having a black-and-white head. 头部为黑白相间的北美洲林莺。
- Old World warbler similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller. 东半球与大白喉莺的鸟但体型较小。
- The voice of this bush warbler is agreeable to the ear. 这只黄莺的嗓音非。
- American warbler; builds a dome-shaped nest on the ground. 美洲林莺;在地上筑圆丘状的巢。
- This year, it's a triple-strand necklace with amber-colored citrine. 今年布希送给劳拉的生日礼物是一条琥珀色的三排珠水晶项鍊。
- Innocent warbler warbler is sweet longing completely to future. 天真的莺莺对未来满是甜蜜的憧憬。
- This year, it\'s a triple-strand necklace with amber-colored citrine. 今年布什送给劳拉的生日礼物是一条琥珀色的三排珠水晶项链。
- A willow warbler is similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller. 柳莺与大白喉莺相似,但体型较小。
- A Radde's Warbler over-wintered in Chi Gu, so I already have it. 七股今年(年初)有只巨嘴柳莺在那里度冬,所以我今年已经记录过了。
- He was a warbler and flying very low over the water. 这是一只鸣禽,在水面上飞得很低。
- Radde's Warbler over-wintered in Chi Gu, so I already have it. 七股今年(年初)有只巨嘴柳莺在那里度冬,所以我今年已经记录过了。
- He used rock crystal, topaz, citrine and aquamarine for the face and various materials for the base and embellishments. 他也大量使用水井,黄玉,黄水晶和绿玉装饰表面,同时用各种不同的金属制造表身和其他装饰部分。