- Ci comments of Xianfeng years 咸丰词坛
- He heard the comments of media insensibility. 他对媒体的批评充耳不闻。
- The chairman had to call the meeting to order after the ribald comments of one of the members caused uproar among the others. 会议成员之一说的下流话在其他成员中引起了一阵骚动,主席只得叫大家遵守会议秩序。
- Please interpret the comments of our foreign guest. 请把外宾的话翻译一下。
- For my part, I made no comment of any kind. 至于我,我没有做任何评价。
- He not only gleans up all the bad comments of other authors, but makes new bad comments of his own. 他不仅收集了所有其他作家的不好的评论,而且自己还做出了新的坏评论。
- The mountains are at the temple fair, Legend has it Jianyu Qing Xianfeng years, were "three Qingmiao. 山上有座庙墟,相传建于清咸丰年间,名“三清庙”。
- This is perhaps the most astonishing comment of all. 这恐怕是最令人震惊的评论。
- You mustn't take her negative comments of your plan personally. 你不应该把她对你的计划的批评当作对你个人的攻击。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。
- Sai Yee Street project (K28) is under acquisition process. According to comment of URA officer, this process can last for two years. 洗衣街项目(K28)正在进行收购。据办事处职员所讲,收购期很多时会长达两年。
- In the following paragraphs I have paraphrased, in part, the comments of Lofu. 我在下文中有一部分转述了洛甫的话。
- See paragraphs 1.07 to 1.09 in explanatory comments of Alternative Solution 1. 参见备选解决方案1中的第1.;07至1
- The comments of the media made a great impact on the judgment of the case. 媒体的言论对这起案件的审判产生了极大的影响。
- The tragedy of the Mount Huangya event was caused by the contemporary social conditions: the great famine and refugees, and the militarization of the civil society during the reign of Xianfeng Emperor and Tongzhi Emperor. 黄崖事件的悲剧命运是当时的社会生态所决定的:咸同年间山东灾荒与流民问题为黄崖山寨聚众提供了条件,咸同年间山东民间军事化结构同质了黄崖山寨。
- Here the comments of Ranieri, Legrottaglie, Palladino,Nedved and Nocerino. 赛后,拉涅利和尤文众将分别接受了访问。
- The main components and relative contents of tars obtained in multi-stage hydropyrolysis(M-HyPy) of Xianfeng lignite were analyzed by GC-MS and compared with those in traditional single-stage hydropyrolysis (HyPy). 采用色 -质联用技术分析了先锋褐煤多段加氢热解过程中所得焦油的主要组分及其相对含量 ;并与单段加氢热解过程的结果进行了比较 ;从中分析了焦油轻质化的机理 .
- In years of plenty everyone has plenty to eat. 丰年时人人都吃得饱。
- The results indicated that adding 5% polyethylene (PE) in copyrolysis of Xianfeng coal with COG,the yields of oil and char under 0 1MPa are higher than those under 3MPa without PE and lower for water. 将先锋褐煤与5%25聚乙烯(PE)混合加入10g固定床反应器中通入焦炉煤气在不同压力、升温速率及终态温度下共热解。
- Type a comment of any length, and then click outside the comment text box. 键入任意长度的注释,然后在注释文本框外单击。