- Christian martyr traditionally regarded as the patron saint of music. 西塞莉娅:基督教殉道者,传统上被视为音乐的保护神。
- The first martyr in a cause.Used especially of the first Christian martyr, Saint Stephen. 第一个殉教者一项事业的第一位殉道者,尤指基督教第一位殉道者圣斯蒂芬
- The first martyr in a cause. Used especially of the first Christian martyr, Saint Stephen. 第一个殉教者一项事业的第一位殉道者,尤指基督教第一位殉道者圣斯蒂芬
- The first martyr in a cause.Used especially of the first Christian martyr,Saint Stephen. 第一个殉教者一项事业的第一位殉道者,尤指基督教第一位殉道者圣斯蒂芬
- Pray that God will use the witness of this young Christian martyr to win many Somalis to Christ. 祷告神使用这名年轻基督徒殉道的见证,赢得更多的索马利亚人归向基督。
- Some historians contend the festival commemorates the death of a Christian martyr named Valentine on February 14, in the year 270. 有些历史学家认为,这个节日纪念的是一位叫"瓦伦丁"的人,他在公元270年2月14日殉道而亡。
- Christian martyrs were stoned to death. 基督教殉道者被用石块击毙。
- Christian martyr; patron saint of England; hero of the legend of Saint George and the Dragon in which he slew a dragon and saved a princess (?-303). 基督教殉教士;英格兰的保护圣徒;在圣徒乔治和龙中他是屠龙救公主的英雄(?-303)。
- The origin of the name, Valentine, remains in doubt. Some historians contend the festival commemorates the death of a Christian martyr named Valentine on February 14, in the year270. . 情人节名字的来历尚无定论。有些历史学家主张,这个节日纪念的是一位叫"瓦伦丁"的人,他在公元270年2月14日殉道而亡。
- An official list or catalog of religious martyrs, especially of Christian martyrs. 天主教殉教者名册一个官方清单或殉教者的目录,尤指信奉基督教的殉道者
- The origin of the name, Valentine, remains in doubt. Some historians contend the festival commemorates the death of a Christian martyr named Valentine on February 14, in the year 270. 情人节名字的来历尚无定论。有些历史学家认为,这个节日纪念的是一位叫"瓦伦丁"的人,他在公元270年2月14日殉道而亡。
- a Christian martyr of the 3rd century 第三世纪基督教的殉教者
- Christian martyr often depicted as a giant who converted to Christianity and thereafter devoted himself to carrying travelers across a river. His feast,July25,was dropped from the Catholic liturgical calendar in 1969. 圣·克里斯托夫基督殉道者,被描述为归依基督教的巨人,致力于将游人背过河去。他的节日为七月二十五日,从1969年天主教礼拜仪式日历起中断
- Christian martyr often depicted as a giant who converted to Christianity and thereafter devoted himself to carrying travelers across a river.His feast, July25, was dropped from the Catholic liturgical calendar in1969. 圣 克里斯托夫基督殉道者,被描述为归依基督教的巨人,致力于将游人背过河去。他的节日为七月二十五日,从1969年天主教礼拜仪式日历起中断
- From stories of the Christian martyrs, right down to Budapest's heroic martyrs of today, history records the suffering, the self-denial, the devotion and the heroic deeds of men. 远自基督教殉道者,近到布达佩斯的当代英勇烈士,历史记载着人类的一切苦难、己、诚和英勇的事迹。
- He is a martyr to his rheumatism. 他长期受风湿病折磨。
- a Christian martyr of the 3rd century; the patron saint of travellers. 第三世纪基督教的殉教者;旅行者的守护神。
- A Christian should not break the Sabbath. 基督徒应守安息日。
- A simple plaque marks the spot where the martyr died. 有一块朴素的饰板用以纪念该烈士的殉难处。
- Christian and Muslim doctrines are very different. 基督教教义和穆斯林教义极为不同。