- Chlamys australis Sowerby n. 澳大利亚海扇蛤(海扇蛤超科;海扇蛤科)
- Akebia trifoliata Koidz. var. australis Rchd. [医] 白木通
- Spiranthes australis(R.Brown.) Lindl. 绶草
- Alstroemeria presliana Herbert ssp. australis E. Bayer 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Anne : yes, a concert for aurora australis. (是的,南极光音乐会。
- The Galactic Dust in Corona Australis: Two blue-reflection nebulae. 南冕座星尘内,两个星云焕发着梦幻般的蓝色光辉。
- Anne : Yes, I performed piano and saw the aurora australis. (我演奏了钢琴,观赏了南极光。
- Folder Street small building, Chlamys than scales, and different styles. 夹街小楼,栉比鳞次,风格各异。
- In the Southern Hemisphere, it's called aurora australis, or southern lights. 在南半球,它被称为南极光,或南极光。
- Objective To determine the content of gallic acid in Acalypha australis L. 目的测定铁苋菜中没食子酸的含量。
- J.E.Smith's English Botany is often known as Sowerby's English Botany, since the latter drew the plates. J.;E
- The results suggest that the immunity be higher in Argopecten irradians than in Chlamys farrei. 表明人工养殖海湾扇贝较栉孔扇贝的免疫力强。
- Horsemen, travelers and soldiers perferred to wear the short woolen draped chlamys as a coat. 而骑士,旅行者及士兵更喜欢穿围裹毛织物短外衣“”克拉米斯“。
- White close-grained wood of a tree of the genus Agathis especially Agathis australis. 贝壳杉属的树木(尤指新西兰贝壳杉)白色的纹理细密的木材。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Temple Sowerby - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Temple Sowerby 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Sowerby Bridge - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Sowerby Bridge 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Eleven men's and women's teams from Australis,New Zealand,Indonesia,Japan,the Philippines and China are entered for the com. 有十一支男女队球参赛,他们分别来自澳大利亚,新西兰,印度尼西亚,日本,菲律宾和中国。
- A flightless bird(Gallirallus australis) of New Zealand,having mottled brown plumage and short legs. 秧鸡新西兰一种不能飞的鸟(新西兰秧鸡),有褐色带斑纹的羽毛和短腿。
- This research studied the effects of larval density on the larval development rate and benthic juvenile growth of Babylonia formosae (Sowerby). 本实验以台湾凤螺为材料,探讨幼生密度对于幼生发育速率及幼体成长的影响。
- A flightless bird(Gallirallus australis)of New Zealand, having mottled brown plumage and short legs. 秧鸡新西兰一种不能飞的鸟(新西兰秧鸡),有褐色带斑纹的羽毛和短腿