- Chitonomyces australasiae n. 斐济甲壳菌
- National Bank of Australasia Ltd. 澳大拉西亚国民银行。
- Periplaneta Australasiae:Body in brown.Smaller than periplaneta Americana. 澳洲大蠊:体型比美洲大蠊略小,体呈褐色;
- However exploration of Australasia introduced Europeans to black swans. 然而,澳大拉西亚的探险给欧洲人带来了黑天鹅。
- Our major operations are in the North America, Asia, Australasia and Europe. 北京燕龙国际马业有限公司,作为马匹进出口的专业公司,具有丰富的马匹进出口经验。
- Grown in Australasia and Polynesia for its large root with fine edible white flesh. 由于其大的可食根在大洋洲和波利尼西亚生长。
- Gazetteer Pacific Ocean: Japanese Archipelago to the South China Sea, and off Australasia and Peru. 太平洋:日本列岛到南中国海,与外海的大洋洲与秘鲁。
- The mighty Mt Cook, known as the "Cloud Piercer", is the highest peak in Australasia at 3755m. 巍峨的库克山,被誉为“云霄之钻”,是澳大拉西亚地区最高的山峰,高3755米。
- The impact of humans on wildlife is likely to increase in Australasia and the Pacific islands. 在大洋洲和太平洋岛屿上,人类对野生物的影响很可能会增加。
- About 22 species: mainly in S Asia, Australasia, and Central and South America; one species (endemic) in China. 大约22种:主要在南亚,澳大拉西亚和中南美洲;在中国的一种(特有)。
- About 50 species: mostly in tropical America, also in tropical Africa, Asia, and Australasia; three species in China. 大约50种:多数在美洲热带里,也在热带的非洲,亚洲和澳大拉西亚;在中国的3种。
- About 17 species: mainly neotropical, but with outliers in Africa, Asia, and Australasia; one species in China. 大约17种:主要分布在新大陆热带区,但是在非洲,亚洲和澳大拉西亚也有零星分布;中国有1种。
- The obesity pandemic - an extensive epidemic - which started in the US,has now spread to Europe,Australasia,Central America and the Middle East. 这股源于美国的肥胖风正在蔓延开来,现在已经传遍了欧洲,澳大利亚,美洲中部和中东。
- Oceania comprises the Americas, the Atlantic islands including the British Isles, Australasia, and the southern portion of Africa. 大洋国占南北美,大西洋各岛屿,包括英伦三岛,澳大利亚和非洲南部。
- Events co-sanctioned by the European Tour, the Japan Golf Tour, the PGA TOUR, the PGA Tour of Australasia and the Southern Africa Tour. 事件由欧洲旅游,日本高尔夫旅游,针网阵列旅游,澳大利西亚的针网阵列旅游和南部的非洲旅游共同批准。
- Besides,the flora has closely relationship with Pantropic and Tropical Asia elements as well as Trop. Australasia,Trop. Africa,Trop. 该区系与泛热带和热带亚洲联系最为密切,同时与热带大洋州、热带非洲、热带美洲、北温带、东亚等有一定程度的联系,而与地中海区、西亚、中亚联系最少。
- The mean height of 4 year old of A. marina var. australasia is 2.67 m, its growth rate is faster than that of B. sexangula and R. 4年生的澳洲白骨壤平均高 2 .;6 9m;平均地径为 3
- In 1991 he moved to Australia for a four-year assignment where he established and led the company's direct office and rapid growth in Australasia. 作为这家公司的高级行政管理人员,铁福礼先生现在负责领导公司在世界上最具活力和增长潜力的中国市场上发展壮大。
- The airport has flights to destinations throughout North America and is a major gateway to Europe, Asia, and Australasia. 部落目前有三个公家机关,三个民间团体及五个宗教团体。