- photo scanner Chinese input unit 光学扫描汉字输入器
- Chinese input unit 汉字输入装置
- How to install Chinese Input Method (SCIM)? 如何安装中文输入法(SCIM)?
- No ... Chinese input software "kaput" ... [不....中文输入软件挂了
- The letters must be capitals and Chinese input would be not support. 字母必须是大写,不支持中文输入。
- A sequence of job control statements and data submitted to an operating system from an input unit. 一种从输入设备提交到操作系统的作业控制语句和数据的序列。
- Submission of batches of data through an input unit that has access to a computer through a data link. 借助输入设备,经由数据链路向计算机成批提交数据。
- Check the pressure-gauge on the FRL air input unit (Filter Pressure Reducer Lubricator), which should remain within a range of 6 to 8 bar. 检查压力测量在FRL空气输入装置(过滤器压力还原剂防喷管),哪些应该保留在6的范围到8酒吧之内。
- Installation and use of QuanpinInput Method, Microsoft PinyinInput Method and NJStar Chinese Input Method. 介绍全拼、微软拼音及南极星字词拼音等中文输入法的安装和使用方法。
- FPY is an intelligent Chinese input system, which is based on word pioce ssing and Pinyin coding. FPY是作者研制的以词为识别单元、以拼音为编码的汉字智能输入系统。
- Then, the transfer characteristic of the input unit cell is simulated and the testing results of an IRFPA interconnected with this ROIC are given at last. 首先对该电路结构及工作原理进行分析,并对输入级等电路的传输特性进行仿真验证,最后给出探测器阵列与读出电路芯片互连后的测试结果。
- Installation and use of Quanpin Input Method, Microsoft Pinyin Input Method and NJStar Chinese Input Method. 介绍全拼、微软拼音及南极星字词拼音等中文输入法的和使用方法。
- Supports Chinese input inside Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers on Windows, Linux. 支持在各种浏览器和操作系统上输入中文.
- When I change to chinese input, the computer (firefox) will be hang up. Please tell me how to solve the problem. 您用什麽输入法?换个输入法试试,如果可以表示是输入法的问题,建议您重新安装输入法。
- Hi everyone, This is the Chinese translation for everyone. When I have Chinese input I will correct all the wrong translations. Now everyone can enjoy. 大家好,这是中国翻译帮我翻的。有中国输入有的错误,我将把他们改成正确的翻译。现在,大家就都能享受了。
- Discuss Cantonese Romanization Schemes, Cantonese Supplementary Character Sets, and Currently Widespread Chinese Input Methods. 探讨粤语拼音方案、粤语专用增补字符集、以及当前流行嘅各种输入法。
- This App help you send a Chinese SMS(or Unicode SMS),support soft keybord and Qwerty keyboard both English &Chinese input. 此软件用于发送中文以及其他Unicode编码短信,现在支持中英文软键盘,硬键盘输入。
- OUTPUT DEVICES.Lide input units, output devices are instruments of interpretation and communication between humans and computer systems of all sizes. 输出设备 与输入设备类似,输出设备也是人与计算机系统之间的解释和通信的设备。
- Lide input units, output devices are instruments of interpretation and communication between humans and computer systems of all sizes. 在个人计算机系统中,常用的输出设备是显示屏和台式打印机。
- To be specific, the Zonghe ng Chinese input method and the Pinyin Chinese input method both influenced th e proces sing of graphics and phonology, but the former focused on graphics and the latte r f ocused on phonology. 具体本研究而言 ,纵横输入法和拼音输入法对汉字认知加工的“形”和“音”均存在影响 ,但前者侧重于“形” ,而后者侧重于“音”。