- They comprise the new Chinese figure painting generation after Xu Beihong and Jiang Zhaohe. 他们是继徐悲鸿、蒋兆和之后的又一代人物画家。
- Enlightenment and artistic function of Chinese figure painting 兴成教化与中国人物画的功能
- The Advantage and the Disadvantage of Skin Texture in the Making of Modern Chinese Figure Painting 论肌理表现在当代中国人物画发展过程中的利弊
- On the cause of formation about teaching thoughts of Chinese figure painting in the Central Academy of Art and China Academy of Art 中央美院与中国美院国画人物教学思想成因简析
- Chinese figure painting 中国人物画
- Lili: Are you studying figure painting or landscape painting? 丽丽:你正在学习人物画还是风景画?
- The start of sketching classes with live models in Chinese art schools further stimulated the development of figure painting in China. 特别在新中国成立以后,艺术院校开设人体素描课,更促进了人物画的发展。
- Chinese brush painting can be classified into three main categories: landscape painting, bird and flower painting, and figure painting. 国画分为三大类:风景画、花鸟画和人物画。
- Modern figure painting shading mostly adopts the western sketch reproducing method, and has ignored the image representation of Chinese painting tradition. 摘要现代工笔人物画造形大多采用西方素描的再现方法,忽视了我国传统绘画的意象表现。
- We have landscape painting, figure painting and flower and-bird painting. 我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。
- We have landscape painting, figure painting and flower and bird painting. 我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。
- Therefore, he's landscape, figure painting patterns Zisi, informal Shengmo. 因此他的山水、人物画形态恣肆,不拘绳墨。
- Baoqinzhai, chinesepaintingart, liansheng, chinesepainting, Chinese Paintings, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese Art, Mystic East Arts, Chinese Figure paintings, Chinese landscape paintings, Chinese bird and flower paintings 国画,东方艺术,中国画艺术,人物画,山水画,花鸟画,写意,中国人物画,中国山水画,中国花鸟画
- In the contemporary" Chinese painting group of academe ", there is a very important constituent pat.This part is the contemporary "academic freehand brushwork figure painting group". 在当代“学院中国画派”中有一个很重要的组成部分,这就是当代“学院写意人物画派”。
- Anadiplosis is an enchanting flower in Chinese figures of speech. 摘要回环是汉语修辞艺苑里一株异彩纷呈的奇葩。
- Huang Zhou (1925-1997) was an excellent Chinese figure painter with a creative spirit. 黄胄(1925-1997)是一位富有创新精神的杰出的人物画家。
- They are developed from the figure painting styles of the Tang and Song dynasties. 这是对唐宋人物画的继承与发展。
- Their exploratory development to the freehand brushwork figure painting in form, pen and ink is obvious toall. 他们对写意人物画在图式、笔墨上进行的探索有目共睹。
- On the Goddess of the Luo River, color on silk (572cm × 27.1cm), is a figure painting done with meticulous brushwork and close attention to detail. 顾恺之《洛神赋图》,绢本、设色,纵27.;1厘米,横572厘米,工笔重彩人物画。
- Chinese figure reporting is always chasing for the beauty of artful level of life, no matter how great, we can still live a truly self in the commonness. 中国人物报道也一直在追求生命的艺术境界之美,不奢求多么伟大,但求得平凡中还能活出真实的自己。