- Chinchilla brevicaudata n. 短尾毛丝鼠
- So, you are thinking about getting a chinchilla. 所以,你是想获得青紫。
- Black Velvet is a TOV standard chinchilla. 黑天鹅绒是圣标准青紫。
- A chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness was draped over the bed. 奢华的栗鼠皮毛毯覆盖在床上。
- Chinchilla snacks and sweeties and biscuits are not appropriate. 宠物店的龙猫小食,糖果和饼乾,[很多]都是不恰当的。
- A beautiful chinchilla with one beige dominant gene. 美丽的龙猫一个米色显性基因。
- Your chinchilla must have 24 hour access to loose TIMOTHY hay. 您的龙猫必须全日24小时都可吃到松散的提摩太乾草,而不只是草砖。
- I don't at the moment but we have had rabbits and a chinchilla in the past. 我现在没有,但我们以前有些兔子和一只栗鼠。
- I don t at the moment but we have had rabbits and a chinchilla in the past. 我现在没有,但我们以前有些兔子和个栗鼠。
- Hello, my name is Gandolf (as in Gandolf the Grey) I am a chinchilla residing in Hong Kong. 你好!我的全名是甘道夫,你可以叫我做甘仔。我是一只住在香港的龙猫。
- It is a glorious fantasy of silk brocade, velvet ribbons, chinchilla: lush, powerful, yet fragile. 这是一个光彩夺目的童话,由锦缎,丝绒缎带,栗鼠皮制成的童话。华美,强大却又脆弱。
- Clematis brevicaudata DC. 短尾铁细莲
- Equally unaware are the chinchilla and the tiny, mouselike marsupial nibbling seeds nearby. 还有绒鼠及小如老鼠的有袋类动物同样浑然不觉,继续在附近啃咬植物种子。
- A vizcacha, close relative of the chinchilla, rests on an outcropping in Chile's Atacama Desert. 在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠,一只兔鼠正在石头上小憩,它是南美栗鼠的近亲。
- Well, although Arwen?acts more like a?puppy then a Chinchilla, I am glad to have her as company. 虽然云云不像龙猫反而像一只小狗,但我仍然庆幸有她和我在一起。
- A squirrellike rodent(Chinchilla laniger) native to the mountains of South America and widely raised in captivity for its soft, pale gray fur. 丝鼠一种产出南美洲山区的似松鼠的啮齿目动物(绒毛丝鼠),因其柔软的浅色毛皮而被广泛捕捉饲养
- Any of several gregarious, burrowing South American rodents of the genera Lagostomus and Lagidium, related to and resembling the chinchilla. 兔鼠南美洲的几种集群穴居的平原兔属和山兔属的啮齿类动物之一,与灰鼠有关系且相象
- The cage should be taller than it is wide, as the chinchilla's natural environment is very mountainous. 笼子应该比龙猫大,因为龙猫的自然环境是山区。
- Chinchilla is a kind of lemur about the size of a squirrel with a long round of the primates with big eyes. 灰鼠狐猴是一种大小跟松鼠差不多,长着圆圆大眼睛的灵长类动物。