- Does private education skim off all the best students from the state system? 私立学校是不是会把公立学校最好的学生都挖走?
- It will be a unique feature and important innovation in the state system of a reunified China. 这将是统一后的中国国家体制的一大特色和重要创造。
- The state system has one great weakness, however. 但状态系统有一个巨大的缺陷。
- China’s State Administration of Radio Film and Television didn’t respond to questions about jamming RFA. 但中国的国家广电总局电影和电视没有回应关于干扰RFA 的问题。
- This is the nucleus and basic principle of China's state system and also the essence of socialist democracy in China. 这是中国国家制度的核心内容和根本准则,是社会主义民主政治的实质。
- To insulate themselves from the vicissitudes of China’s state control, companies go through all manner of legal contortions when they list shares. 为了使它们自己从中国政府控制中隔离出来,公司在出示股票的时候要通过各种形式的法律扭曲。
- The question under discussion here is that of the "state system". 这里所谈的是“国体”问题。
- During testing, the system control barbette" s moving and acquire the real-time data.And reflect the system"s state on the friendly system interface. 在测试过程中,完成对炮塔的各种动态控制以及现场性能数据的实时采集,并通过友好的系统界面向工作人员实时反映整个测试过程的运行状态。
- Television stations which had been reporting the death were however forced to issue a hasty retraction after China’s State Council, or cabinet, dismissed the news. 电视已经报告死亡的车站然而不得不发行在中国州的会议后的一个匆匆的缩进 , 或内阁,解散新闻。
- Does private education skimoff all the best students from the state system? 私立学校是不是会把公立学校最好的学生都挖走?
- This is a time bomb ticking underneath the state system created by Mr Karimov. 这是一个在卡莫夫创造的国家系统下面滴答作响的定时炸弹。
- Earlier this week, China’s state news media warned that more restrictions were possible, cautioning that one proposal called for removing 90 percent of all vehicles from the roads in Beijing. 本周初,中国国家新闻媒体警告说,可能会有更严格的管制,告诫称有一个方案要求北京的路上应该取消90%25的车辆。但周四公布的计划没有这么严格,仍维持单双号的管制,但加了一个新规定,禁止车牌尾数数字相同的那天上路驾驶。
- He admires the President‘s stated decision to fight for the job. 他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩。
- Yet they point to the fact that enrolment of blacks and Latinos throughout the state system has remained stable since 1996. 不过他们还指出这样的事实,即在整个州内各大学招收的黑人和拉美学生总数自1996年以来仍然保持稳定。
- Mexico ’s state oil company also began evacuating workers from oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. 墨西哥国家石油公司也开始疏散在墨西哥湾石油钻塔的工人。
- The air humidity is an important parameter which characterizes the atmosphere s state. 摘要空气湿度是表征大气物理状态的一个重要因素。
- When saving a component’s state, the storage specifiers of the component’s published properties are checked. 保存组件状态的时候,组件中公布属性的存储说明符被检查。
- At the same time, the Abolition Movement affected state system of the U.S.A and its expansion to the northwest. 废奴运动在许多方面严重的影响了美联邦的国体以及向西北的版图扩张。
- By using three rules FLC, the hitting control part that satisfies the hitting conditions of the SMC can force the system s states to reach and remain on the sliding surface. 并藉由三条规则的模糊控制器来确保迫近控制能满足系统状态可以维持在顺滑面上的迫近条件。
- Select a nonvolatile digital potentiometer if you must program the gate’s state in nonvolatile memory. 如果必须用易失性存储器给门状态编程,选择非易失性数字电位器。