- The fourth chapter discusses Si"Xiao"s literature anamnesis. 第四、第五章分别考察四萧的文学思想和诗文创作。
- Cohering about two thousand gears" extensively abundantly and profoundly social contents, having rich art inspiration, Wang Zhaojun is also an important cultural image in china"s literature history. 王昭君又是中国文学史上一个重要的文学意象,凝聚着中国二千多年来广泛、丰富而又深刻的社会内容,具有丰厚的艺术启示力。
- Jin Shentan?s literature criticism had made a very deep influence on the Japanese literature in Edo times. 金圣叹的文学批评 ,对日本的江户文学产生了不可忽视的影响。
- But, regretably, the research on Lin Huiyin’s literature creation are not perfect. 但是,令人遗憾的是,对林徽因文学创作的研究目前并不充分。
- Analyze on the presentation of Zhou"s literature theory, comments on its feature of elitism, antinomy and idealism. 对周作人文学观所表现出的状态进行分析评价,论述其贵族主义、二律背反及理想主义等特征。
- It is not, but this is MY FAULT because Antec’s literature clearly describes it as a “super mini tower. 这就是为什么我买了它,但坦率地,我没看见什么所有忙乱是关于。
- Pu Songling's literature expresses of ghost and immortal, flower spirits and fox-deity was namely sourced to his obstinateness of humanology. 无疑,处在明末清初的蒲松龄就以其不同凡响的文学手笔,创作开拓出了一片崭新的人学新气象。
- The review of education on high school"s literature has important value to develop the students" pupillary judgment thought . 中学文学评论教育对于发展学生的批判性思维有重要价值;
- Chou Tso-jen appeared unselfish love to children to discover children as human and unique value of children’s literature. 发掘儿童之人的意义,儿童文学的独特价值,周作人表现了对于儿童无私的爱。
- From culture development , the author proves that Nantang" s literature inherited from Tang Dynasty and enlighted Song Dynasty. 又从文化发展的角度,分析南唐文化在唐与宋之间的承前启后作用。
- The essay, from the point of literature aesthetics, reprobates Zhong Xing’s literature works and his ideas, so as to excavate more profound ideas. 钟惺作为竟陵派的代表人物,也有着他独特的文学特点和 美学思想特征。
- Self-conscious dialectical thinking consciousness made Ji Yun" s literature criticism justiciable, mile and understanding. 自觉的辩证思维意识使纪昀的文学批评比较公正、平允、通达。
- Overemphasizing the educational features of the Children’s Literature greatly hurt the creation of Children’s Literature. 对儿童文学教育性的过分强调,给儿童文学创作造成了极大的伤害。
- And he is considered as the most westernized Japanese writer.Murakami’s literature doesn’t completely depart from tradition, but has a both traditional and modern style of art. 但是村上文学并没有完全背离传统,而是具有一种传统与现代兼具的艺术风格。
- But along with profound vicissitude, Shandong University’s literature and history research is also facing a tough challenge, same as the other domestic key universities. 但是,随着时代的深刻变迁,和国内其他重点高校一样,山东大学的文史研究也面临着严峻挑战。
- All of these three features mingled together to construct the unique viewpoint of Zhou"s literature theory, and predetermined the marginality of Zhou"s literature theory as well. 这三个特征是相互纠结的,它们共同构造出周作人文学理论的独特景观,同时又使周作人的文学观逃不过被边缘化的命运。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- The China is being celebrated by its handicrafts. 中国是以它的手工艺品而著称。
- I like to read China Daily on my way home. 我喜欢在回家的途中阅读《中国日报》。
- Spring in East China usually sets in about March. 华东的春天一般约在三月开始。