- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- Mr. Chen knows this, but other people don't. 陈先生知道这件事,但是别人不知道。
- Chen Darwin 陈达文(1932-),香港人,香港官员。
- Darwin spend more than twenty year work on his theory of evolution. 达尔文花了二十余年时间研究他的进化论。
- Mr. Chen used no (didn't use any) chemicals on his fruit. 陈先生的水果不使用农药。
- Darwin was before his time with his ideas. 达尔文思想超越了时代而不能为当代人所接受。
- Chen Jing-run was noted as one of the world famous scientists in maths. 陈景润作为数学界世界著名的科学家而闻名于世。
- I wish Xiao Chen had come with us.This is more in the line than mine. 要是小陈也来了就好了。对这,他比我更懂行一些。
- Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace discovered evolution independently. 查尔斯·达尔文和阿尔弗雷德· 罗素·华莱士各自独立地发现了进化论。
- Darwin called this the principle of divergence. 达尔文把这个称为性状趋异原理。
- Darwin's dilemma was solved by it. 这就解决了使达尔文困惑不解的问题。
- Darwin too had noticed such changes, or "sports". 达尔文也曾注意到这类突然的变异--“巨变”。
- Chen Wei poises himself at the top of the platform. 陈伟在跳台顶端保持住平衡。
- Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man. 达尔文从很多事实中得出他对人类起源的观点。
- Xiao Chen is zealous in basketball. 小陈热心于篮球。
- Does the Darwin Conspiracy Carry Out? 达尔文的阴谋得逞了吗?
- The man ( Darwin ) was something of a genius. 这个人可算是个天才。
- But Chen doesn't think it's a problem at all. 但是陈老师却不这么认为。
- Here are Mrs. Bates and Mr. Darwin. 这是贝茨夫人和达尔文先生。
- Jacky Chen always does his own stunts in his film. 成龙在他的电影中向来都是亲自表演特技动作。