- Chelis maculosa mannerheimer n. 斑裂灯蛾
- He was awarded by Knight of Mannerheim Cross. 他获得过曼纳海姆十字骑士勋章。
- In December of 1944 he was granted the Mannerheim Cross. 1944年11月,他获得曼纳海姆十字勋章。
- Winter War begins: Soviet forces invade Finland and reach the Mannerheim Line, starting the war. 年,冬季战争开始:苏联军入侵芬兰直抵曼涅尔海姆线,开始其战争。
- The Finnish national hero, Marshal Mannerheim, visited him there in 1907 during his famous horseback trip through central Asia. 达赖喇嘛重新掌权的可能性降低了,他的人民不再跟随他。
- This paper, based on textual research and the analysis of the Thai language, concludes that Cheli is the transliteration of the word Buddhist pagoda in the Thai language. 通过查阅古籍和对泰国的泰族语言分析、比较 ,可以认定 ,车里是傣泰语言中“佛塔”的译音。
- atrophica cutis idiopatica maculosa 斑状特发性皮肤萎缩症
- Atrophia maculosa varioliformis cutis 天花样斑疹样萎缩性皮肤
- Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (1867~1951) 曼纳海姆,C.;G
- Keywords Atrophia maculosa varioliformis cutis;Diagnosis; 皮肤痘疮样斑状萎缩;诊断;
- Notes on the International Symposium on Mannerheim's Xinjiang Journey and the Post Meeting Exploration in Xinjiang 马达汉新疆考察国际研讨会及野外考察述要
- 1939 - Winter War begins: Soviet forces invade Finland and reach the Mannerheim Line, starting the war. 1939年,冬季战争开始:苏联军入侵芬兰直抵曼涅尔海姆线,开始其战争。
- Author Wang Cheli Pei Junfeng Chen Yizhong Guo Yingqing (Jiangsu Petrochemical Institute) Ren Liansuo Zhang Dengqing (Design Institute;Jiangsu Oilfield ); 作者王车礼;裴峻峰;陈毅忠;郭迎庆;任连锁;张登庆;
- Chelis dahurica n. 达裂灯蛾
- Chelis n. 裂灯蛾属
- Cucullia maculosa n. 斑冬夜蛾
- lepra maculosa [医] 斑纹性麻风
- erythroderma maculosa perstans [医] 持久性斑疹性红皮病
- Ardisia maculosa n. 珍珠伞
- atrophia maculosa 皮斑点状萎缩,皮松垂