- Ceylon Junglefowl n. 蓝喉原鸡
- Ceylon is an island at the south of India. 锡兰是印度南边的一个岛。
- The graphite is mined in Ceylon. 石墨开采自锡兰。
- For aroma and flavor, I think you cannot beat Ceylon teas. 就香气和味道来说,我想什么也比不过锡兰茶。
- Tea was transplanted from China to India and Ceylon. 茶从中国移植到印度和斯里兰卡。
- For aroma and flavor, I think you can't beat Ceylon teas. 就香气和味道来说,我想什么也比不过锡兰茶。
- The picture shows the unit's liaison officers being trained in Ceylon. 图为该部队联络官在锡兰基地受训时合影。
- The oldest sapphire finds are in Ceylon, or Sri Lanka as it is known today. 最古老的蓝宝石产地是在锡兰,今日称为斯里兰卡。
- The upland tea of Ceylon is made normally for broken form tea, show auburn. 锡兰的高地茶通常制为碎形茶。
- Spanish Jesuit missionary. A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola, he established missionaries in Japan, Ceylon, and the East Indies. 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和东印度建立传教区
- In Ceylon, for instance, he helped restore the legitimate ruler to the throne. 例如,在锡兰(即今天的斯里兰卡),他扶持合法统治者重登王位。
- That done, one stressed and one relaxed junglefowl were pitted against each other in a pen with only one feeder. 完成上述实验后,研究人员将一只受应激的红原鸡和一只自由自在的红原鸡放入同一鸡舍,两只红原鸡为此要争夺一个喂食器;
- Chinese tree with aromatic bark; yields a less desirable cinnamon than Ceylon cinnamon. 中国肉桂树种;气味亚于印度肉桂。
- Overall, Dr Jensen's junglefowl were better at remembering their way around the maze than were his chickens, whether or not they were stressed. 总的来看,Jensen实验所用的红原鸡无论是否受到应激,其记认迷宫出路的能力都优于家鸡。
- One group of junglefowl and a group of chickens lived a contented, uneventful life;the others knew only chronic stress from the age of five weeks. 一组红原鸡和一组来亨鸡均生活在“养尊处优”的环境之中,而另两组则从出生5周后开始接受慢性应激。
- One group of junglefowl and a group of chickens lived a contented, uneventful[2] life;the others knew only chronic stress from the age of five weeks. 一组红原鸡和一组来亨鸡均生活在“养尊处优”的环境之中,而另两组则从出生5周后开始接受慢性应激。
- Cross-breeding domestic chickens with wild cocks is found to combine the larger size of domestic fowl with the fierceness of the wild junglefowl. 家养鸡与野生公鸡杂交育种,现在家禽与野生禽类杂交的规模很大。
- One group of junglefowl and a group of chickens lived a contented, uneventful life; the others knew only chronic stress from the age of five weeks. 一组红原鸡和一组来亨鸡饲养环境良好,不用做任何事,另外两组鸡从五周大开始就表现出长期压抑的情况。
- Tropical Africa,India,Ceylon,Borneo,New Guinea and Microesia.Afromosia in west Africa belonging to the same genus. 分布于热带非洲、印度、锡兰、婆罗洲、新机内亚、波里尼西亚、西非。
- The main tea-producing areas are India, China, including Taiwan, Sri Lanks (Ceylon) and Japan. 主要的产茶地区有印度、中国(包括台湾)、斯里兰卡(锡兰)和日本。