- A long-tailed African monkey(Cercopithecus aethiops) having a greenish-gray coat and tufts of white hair on the face. 绿长尾猴产于非洲的一种长尾猴(猕猴属非洲长尾猴),毛灰绿色,面部有成簇白毛
- A long-tailed African monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops subsp. sabaeus) having yellowish-gray fur with a greenish tinge. 青猴:一种非洲长尾猴(黑长尾猴亚种绿长尾猴),毛灰黄,略带绿色
- A small, long-tailed African monkey(Cercopithecus aethiops) having a yellowish-brown or greenish coat. 黑长尾猴一种体小、长尾的非洲猴(非洲猕猴猕猴属),有一身黄褐色或者绿色毛皮
- Keywords Chloroform(CCl 3);Cercopithecus aethiops;Kidney;Vero cells; 氯仿;长尾猴;黑;肾;细胞;
- Cercopithecus aethiops 非洲绿猴(可经口感染副溶血性弧菌)
- Cercopithecus aethiopes 非洲绿猴
- Any of various chiefly arboreal African monkeys, primarily of the genus Cercopithecus, having long hind legs and a long tail. 长尾猴树栖的非洲猴子的一种,长尾猴属,后腿长,尾长
- Cercopithecus diana [Diana guenon] 黛安娜长尾猴
- any of various chiefly arboreal African monkeys,primarily of the genus Cercopithecus,having long hind legs and a long tail 树栖的非洲猴子的一种,长尾猴属,后腿长,尾长
- Besaia melanius aethiops n. 黑偶舟蛾秦岭亚种
- Callopistria aethiops n. 埃散纹夜蛾
- Leptura aethiops n. 橡黑花天牛
- Macron aethiops Keeve n. 污黑峨螺(骨螺超科;峨螺科)
- aethiops [医] 黑色矿物制剂
- aethiops cretaceus [医] 汞白垩粉
- aethiops martialis [医] 黑色氧化铁, 磁性氧化铁
- aethiops mineralis [医] 黑色硫化汞
- aethiops vegetabilis [医] 海藻炭
- M. aethiops n. 铁刀木小煤炱细小变种
- Cercopithecus campbelli n. 坎氏长尾猴