- Central muscle fatigue 中枢肌肉疲劳
- On his injury, Yao said: "When you have the emergence of muscle fatigue, you have all the pressure on the bones. 谈到自己的伤情,姚明表示:“当你的肌肉出现疲劳的时候,你的所有压力都集中在骨头上。
- The results showed that the muscle thickness increased nonlinearly in the 30s process of muscle fatigue. 试验表明在30秒的肌肉疲劳过程中,肌肉厚度会以非线性的方式增加。
- Objective To investigate correlation of pulmonary heart disease (PHD)with the diaphragmatic muscle fatigue(DMF). 目的探讨肺心病与膈肌疲劳的关系。
- The average EEG(AEEG) increased while the average mean power frequency (MPF) and comprexity of EEG decreased in muscle fatigue. 肌肉疲劳过程中平均脑电值(AEEG)均值增加,平均功率频率值(MPF)和脑电信号复杂度[C(n)]均值下降,该现象广泛分布于整个大脑皮层;
- The results suggested that the reduction of SR Ca2+ transport capac- ity might be closely reated to exercise-induced skeletal muscle fatigue . 本研究结果提示急性运动后SRCa2+摄取功能下降可能与运动性骨骼肌疲劳密切相关。
- Objective:To study the characteristics of surface electromyogram(EMG) signals and to realize the quantitative analysis during muscle fatigue. 目的:研究肌肉疲劳过程中表面肌电信号的特征,实现疲劳状态的定量描述。
- To study the characteristics of surface electromyogram(EMG) signals and to realize the quantitative analysis during muscle fatigue. 目的:研究肌肉疲劳过程中表面肌电信号的特征,实现疲劳状态的定量描述。
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a common disorder, including acute or chronic local muscle pain, muscle stifness and muscle fatigue. 肌筋膜疼痛症候群是一种常见的症状,包括急性或慢性局部肌肉疼痛、肌肉僵硬与肌肉疲劳。
- We will perform a research program about the relationship between EEG pattern and muscle fatigue during isokinetic exercise. 我将指导我的硕士班学生将做一项关于肌肉疲劳的脑波信号变化规律的研究。
- The result indicated that IEMG and E/T Ratio increased with muscle fatigue developing both in Group 1 and Group 2 during isometric exercise. 研究结果:持续静力性肌肉收缩时,随疲劳的发展赛艇运动员与田径运动员IEMG、E/T值均显著升高。
- Velvet antler can boost hormonal activity, increase oxygen uptake to the brain, liver, and kidneys, decrease the rate of muscle fatigue, and promote muscular growth. 鹿茸可以促进性激素,增加大脑,肝脏和肾的氧摄入量,降低肌肉疲劳率,和促进肌肉组织的增长。
- Recently,many new research progresses have been acquired in the use of NPPV on COPD patients with nocturnal hypoxaemia, respiratory muscle fatigue or sleep apnea syndrome. 本文就无创正压通气在COPD稳定期特别是存在夜间低通气、呼吸肌疲劳或合并阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者中的应用研究进展作一综述。
- Objective To investigate the effect of muscle fatigue on linear and nonlinear dynamics of sEMG from biceps brachii during maximal voluntary isometric contractions. 方法10名青年志愿者完成肱二头肌非疲劳性持重负荷试验和疲劳性最大随意收缩试验。
- IEMG is a good one on muscle fatigue along time prolonging and leads an argument about those may cause the changes of the characteristics of SEMG And previews its prospect... 并对可能导致表面肌电图特征改变的机制作了探讨,最后对其应用在肌肉疲劳领域的前景进行了展望。
- FUNCTIONS: Reduces and resists wrinkle, relaxes eye muscle fatigue, supplements trace element, strengthens skin fiber toughness;offers softly and smoothly, moistly and relaxant feelings for eye skin. 减皱抗皱,舒缓眼部肌肉的疲劳,补充微量元素,加强皮肤纤维韧性,使眼部肌肤柔滑、滋润;
- When playing sports, muscle fatigue as well as vigorous use of the muscles can cause cramping. 当进行体育活动时,肌肉疲劳和肌肉的激烈运动都可能造成抽筋。
- Objective To investigate the numerical relationship between the changes of surface electromyographic(sEMG) signal indexes and subjective assessment of muscle fatigue during isometric contractions. 目的探讨静态负荷诱发肌肉疲劳时肌电信号指标与主观疲劳感之间的数量关系。
- Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。
- Surface electromyography (SEMG) possesses the features of the neuromus cular activation associated with muscle contraction, and has been used as an objective tool to evaluate muscle fatigue. 表面肌电信号把神经肌肉活动和肌肉收缩联系起来,已被视为一种估计肌肉疲劳比较客观的方法,但也存在一些不足。