- Don't trap him until he goes over the central line. 等他过了中线再夹击他。
- That's easy; it's the next station down the Central Line. 那很容易,乘中央线下一站就是。
- Bhopal (pop. 1.5 million) lies 40 km north of the central line. Bhopal位于中心线以北40公里。
- Catch the Metropolitan to Liverpool Street and then change to the Central Line. 乘都会线,到利物浦街,再转中央线。
- Last week, Kailee suffered a sudden onset of intense pain in her right chest above her central line. 上一周,凯丽右侧的锁骨静脉置管突然出现了一阵剧烈的疼痛。
- Haematoma is formed, shift of central line structure is apparent person, prognosis is poorer. 有血肿形成,中线结构移位明显者,预后较差。
- South-east of King's Cross is Farringdon, on the Circle Line, and nearby is Chancery Lane, on the Central Line. 国王十字车站东南方是环线上的法灵顿站,附近是中央线上的大法官法庭小路站。
- Varanasi and Pata both lie within the shadow's path as the central line crosses the sacred Ganges River (Figure 8). Varanasi和Pata都位于本影路径上且穿过神圣的恒河。
- Electrical power pulse signal will be entered into angular displacement or displacement of the Central Line control components. 步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。
- Avoid body insecurity overworked: Massage philtrum acupuncture point, this one point is mixed in nose needle on on the central line between the lip. 避免身体紧张劳累:按摩人中穴,这一穴位在鼻尖和上嘴唇之间的中心线上。
- This form of Clemenceau and easy to adjust the distance between the hook, so that the shuttle hook accurate Gouzhu Central Line. 这种形式便于调节和梭钩间的距离,使梭钩能准确地勾住线环。
- We often obtain Moire of blur as well as coarseness.Actually we need the central line of Moire to calculate the displacement and stress. 实验直接得到的是一些模糊的较粗的条纹,而计算所需要的是条纹的中心线。
- INTRODUCTION :In this work “bridge” and “river” are the same. The central line is a silent stable point enjoying the sideways rocking movement. 作品简介:在这件作品中,“桥”和“河”是一体的。一个无声而稳定地振荡前行的点,划出了这件作品的中线。
- The main thought of parallel ken is to control uke's central line all the time. One must create the situation that uke can only move backward. 平行剑首重中心线压制.;务必要在角度及时机上做到让对方只能往后退
- This outlay has continued up to now.The Olympic Park, lying at the north end of this central line, has become a new landmark of Beijing. 奥林匹克公园则建在这条中轴线的北端,成为北京的新地标。
- The midpoint place of attendant central line does a center to label, in order to be apart from central mark 9.15 meters (10) draw a circle for radius. 在场地中线的中点处做一个中心标记,以距中心标记9.;15米(10码)为半径画一个圆圈。
- This paper propose a quick and simple fitting operation which is a efficient algorithm for two primitives with against face or same central line. 在拼合两基本体素的基础上提出了装配的概念和算法,用程序验证,对完全共面或共中心线的两体素,有良好的应用价值。
- Visited the biggest imperial palace of the world- Forbidden City for 2 hours. Walk along the central line of palace from south entrance to north entrance. 沿故宫中轴线参观游览这座世界最大的皇家宫殿,参观时间2小时。
- The base structure and definition for machinery installation,as well as how to flexibly using the central line,parallel line,plumb line and level meter in practice are introduced. 介绍了设备安装基础的构成和确定,以及设备安装中“三线一平”(中心线、平行线、铅垂线和水平面)基本原理的活用;
- Computer modeling of these data has estimated that 16,000 central line associated bloodstream infections occur in ICUs in the United States each year (1). 这些数据的计算机模型估计出每年发生在美国ICU中血流感染相关的中心导管感染有16,000例[1]。