- Cavolinia tridentata Niebuhr n. 三齿蝶螺(被壳翼足超科;蝶螺科)
- Niebuhr thoughts that agape is theessentiality principle of human beings. 尼布尔认为爱律是人的本性法则。
- "Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime" (Reinhold Niebuhr). “我们这辈子连一件有意义的事也没完成” (莱因霍尔德·尼泊赫)。
- The conception of individuality is the key to understand the whole system of Reinhold Niebuhr's thought. 摘要个体性思想是理解尼布尔整个思想体系的一个关键所在。
- Not only Grote, but also Niebuhr, Mommsen and all the other historians of classical antiquity, have come to grief over the gens. 不仅格罗特,而且尼布尔、蒙森以及迄今为止的其它一切古典历史学家,都没有解决氏族问题。
- "Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible,but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary" (Reinhold Niebuhr). “人类对公平的接受能力使民主成为可能,但人类对不公平的倾向却使民主变得必需” (赖因霍尔德·尼布尔)
- Great theologian Niebuhr was right when he said: "Some Asians have been very difficult to understand, because the prosperity of our morality, not the other way. 大神学家尼布尔说得好:“有些东方人一直很难明白,我们的繁荣是因为道德,而不是相反。”
- This dissertation aims to prove that Reinhold Niebuhr's theology belongs to neo-liberalism by deeply and wholly studying from perspective of political theology. 本文旨在从政治神学的高度,对莱因霍尔德?尼布尔的神学思想进行深入而全面的研究,论证尼布尔的政治神学的新自由主义性质。
- According to Niebuhr, Simonsen, Ancient Long Day's view, only the nobles are the original citizens, civilians are not citizens of the initial list, and not within the curia organizations. 然而,英国学者拉斯特则认为公民集团自古以来就包含了贵族和平民。他们 之间的区别仅在于贵族是元老院显贵,平民则是普通大众。
- Reinhold Niebuhr clearly divided individual morality and collective morality, and emphasized the former is higher than the later.The underlined thought is his conception of individuality. 尼布尔明确地把个人道德与集体道德区分开,并强调个人道德高于群体道德,其背后的思想就是他的个体性思想。
- Relations of Human Freedom, Sin and Love in Niebuhr's Thought 浅谈尼布尔思想中人的自由、罪与爱的关系
- On Reinhold Niebuhr's Concept of Individuality and Its Significance 论尼布尔的个体性思想及其意义
- The Thought on Two Kinds of Ethics source Thought of Niebuhr 对尼布尔两种伦理思想资源的思考
- Meigenia tridentata n. 三齿美根寄蝇
- Cavolinia uncinata Rang n. 露珠蝶螺(被壳翼足超科;驼蝶螺科)
- Ulodemis tridentata n. 三齿卷蛾
- Dichochrysa tridentata n. 三齿叉草蛉
- Merremia tridentata n. 三齿鱼黄草
- Artemisia tridentata 三齿蒿
- Lecithocera tridentata n. 三齿平祝蛾