- Cautleya spicata n. 红苞距药姜
- Oil of spearmint ({Mentha} {Spicata} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essentail oils.
- Study on Tissue Culture in Medicinal Herb Mentha Spicata L. 药用植物留兰香的组织培养研究。
- Study on chemical constituents of essential oil from Mentha spicata L. 留兰香挥发油化学成分的研究。
- Hubei Maidong (Radix Liriopes) is a dried root tuber of Liriope spicata var. prolifera Y. T. Ma in Liliaceae. 湖北麦冬为百合科山麦冬属植物湖北麦冬(Liriope spicata var.;prolifera Y
- Moreover, shading increased the water contents of Liriope spicata (Thunb.) Lour. and its spreading. 此外,遮荫还提高了植株的含水量和冠径。
- Title: Occurrence Rule and Control Measure of Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Liriope spicata(Thunb)Lour. 关键词:湖北麦冬;病虫害;发生规律;防治措施
- Occurrence Rule and Control Measure of Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Liriope spicata(Thunb)Lour. 与相似的文献。
- Pueraria Compound is composed of Pueraria thom sonii (Jun Medicine) , A(Cheng Medicine), Lriope spicata Lour(Zuo Medicine) and B(Shi Medicine). 复方由君药葛根、臣药制剂A、佐药麦冬和使药制剂B组成。
- Study on the effect of virus-free to plant growth and yield of Liriope spicata var. prolifera Y.T.Ma by pot and field plot experiments. 摘要通过田间试验和盆栽对比试验对湖北麦冬茎尖脱毒苗与未脱毒苗的生长发育和产量进行了比较。
- Anatomy and histochemistry of the seeds of Cautleya gracilis were studied in this paper.The results show that the seed of Cautleya gracilis comprises seed coat, perisperm, endosperm and embryo. 摘要距药姜种子解剖学和组织化学研究表明,种子包括种皮、外胚乳、内胚乳和胚。
- Definition: Aloe is the dried juice of the leaves mainly of Aloe ferox Miller, or of hybrids of the species with Aloe Africana Miller or Aloe spicata Baker (Liliaceae). 本品为百合科植物主要是好望角芦荟 Aloe ferox Miller 及非洲芦荟 Aloe Africana Miller 与穗花芦荟 Aloe spicata Baker 的杂种的叶子汁液的干燥物。
- Eucarya spicata Sprag. et Summ. [医] 澳洲檀香
- Liriope spicata Lour. [医] 大麦冬
- Mentba spicata L. [医] 留兰香,绿薄荷
- Pedicularis spicata Pail. 穗花马先蒿
- Mentha spicata L. 留兰香
- Liriope spicata (Thunb.) Lour. 山麦冬
- The team decided to study the effects of spearmint on hirsutism because of preious reports that extracts of the spearmint plant (Mentha spicata Labiatae) could reduce libido in men. 之前有报道称,绿薄荷的提取物能够降低男性性欲,而这也成为此次研究绿薄荷茶治疗多毛症的动机来源。
- We suggested that Liriope spicata (Thunb.) Lour, as a shade tolerance plant, was able to acclimate to a large radiation scale;however, high irradiance or high shading did certain harm to its growth. 因此,我们认为山麦冬作为耐荫植物对光环境具有一定的适应能力,强光或严重遮荫均不利于其正常生长发育。