- Castle war Waking of insect 城堡之战
- Plague came in the wake of earthquake. 地震之后紧跟着就是瘟疫。
- The Waking of Insects: It means the hibernate insects begin to wake up gradually. 惊蛰:表示冬眠的动物开始慢慢苏醒。
- Hunger and disease followed in the wake of the war. 战争过后,饥荒和疾病随之而来。
- The other four left are the Waking of Insects, Pure Brightness, Lesser Fullness of Grain and Grain i... 另外还有四个节气是惊蛰,清明,小满,和芒种。“清明”是一个有点难以理解的词。...
- Misery follows in the wake of war. 苦难随着战争而来。
- Traders came in the wake of the explorers. 商人紧跟著探险者而至。
- I've got some sort of insect bite on my leg. 我腿上被小虫咬了一口。
- Outbreaks of disease occurred in the wake of the drought. 那场旱灾过後疾病丛生。
- I've got some sort of insect bites on my leg. 我腿上被虫子咬了。
- This kind of insect can change colour. 这种昆虫会变色。
- How to Publish a New Species of Insect? 动物新种如何被发表与命名?
- Do you think butterfly is a type of insect? 你认为蝴蝶是一种昆虫吗?
- Traders came in the wake of the conquering armies. 商人随着征服的军队而来。
- Name three parts of the body of insect. (说出昆虫身体的三部分名称。)
- Chinese mugwort has the role of insect repellent. 陈艾有驱蚊虫的作用;
- East lake on the Waking of Insects 武汉东湖之惊蛰
- Famine followed in the wake of the drought. 饥饿跟着旱灾来。
- In the wake of Following directly on. 直接跟随。
- The foaming white wake of the liner. 班轮驶过留下的白沫翻腾的航迹。