- Carrying on the family name has long been an unquestioned justification for reproduction, and when a couple says they want to "have one of our own," they mean "make one that has our genes. 当然,部分环节有点惊吓的效果。
- Many traditional Chinese hope for a son to carry on the family line. 许多传统的老中,希望儿子传宗接代。
- As a member of the family, I am expected to carry on the Hia line and uphold the honor of my ancestors. 身为邢家的一分子,邢家期待著我能传宗接代,光宗耀祖。
- John is carrying on the family tradition by becoming a doctor. 约翰继承家族传统,成了一名医生。
- Another generation to carry on the Stewart name. 这是承继Stewart家族香火的新一代。
- Her father is the last male Hildebrandt on his side of the family, and now his daughter Kelly’s marriage affords the chance the family name will be carried on. 她的父亲是这个家族最后的男性,现在他的女儿凯利的婚姻提供了机会,让这个姓氏继续下去。
- An offshoot of the family settled down on the island in the eighteenth century. 这个家族的一支旁系於十八世纪在那个岛上定居下来。
- A heavy debt lay on the family like a dead weight. 沉重的债务像千斤重担压在一家人的头上。
- When cold is popular, in the family may use the rice vinegar fumigation to carry on the prevention. 在感冒流行时,家里可以用米醋熏蒸进行预防。
- He carried on the task left by his comrades. 他把同志们留下的工作继续做下去。
- Carrying on the family tradition, we all will go back on mooncake day to have dinner together. 沿袭家里的一贯作风;我们在中秋节那天都会赶回去吃团圆饭.
- Tradition favours boys over girls, because men are seen as the main family breadwinner and in China only a son can carry on the family line. 因为男人被视为主要的家庭负担家计的人而且在中国,只有一个儿子能继续家庭线,所以传统在女孩之上赞同男孩。
- They carried on the exercise after a short break. 在短暂的休息之后他们继续锻炼。
- Sound in health and with a son to carry on the family vocation, Li is the envy of many folk artists who have no apprentices or students to carry on their craftsmanship. 身体硬朗又有孩子愿意克绍箕裘,李松林的好福气羡煞许多传艺无人的艺师。
- He pictured to himself the family sitting out on the lawn. 他想象着一家人坐在草地上的情景。
- Mushroom's spores are usually carried on the wind. 蘑菇的孢子通常由风传播。
- Who can be depended upon to carry on the work? 可以依靠什么人来进行这个工作。
- We can be depended on to carry on the work. 可以靠我们来进行这个工作。
- We will carry on the discussion shortly. 我们很快地将再继续这个讨论。
- His action reflected discredit on the family. 他的行为使整个家庭蒙受耻辱。