- Carrier Performance Rating 航母性能等级
- We also show that higher the combination of importance grade and performance rating the higher the degree of MF. 最后,例释与仿真本方法,显示本评估结果是合理的。
- Eleanor's poor performance rating boiled down to lack of enthusiasm for her job. 艾莲娜的工作表现评价很差,追根究底是因为她对工作缺乏热忱。
- Manage the assigned department effectively and administer the staff by performance rating, planning of training and staff development. 对负责的分部门和下属进行管理,包括其考核、培训计划和进一步的发展。
- This performance rating will be inserted into the organization's "Succession Planning System" to determine whether he is promotable and if so, how high. 这一业绩评价将插入到该组织的“继任规划系统”,以确定他是否值得可造,如果是的话,有多高。
- Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, “Performance Rating of Water-Chilling Packages Using The Vapor Compression Cycle”, Air-conditioning &Refrigeration Institute,ARI. 林进煌,2006,变频冷却水塔之节能研究,硕士论文,国立台北科技大学冷冻空调工程研究所。
- Results Information integrity of information equipment,standby equipment in a good performance rate of 100 percent,increase satisfaction with the use of equipment. 结果仪器资料信息完整,处于备用状态的仪器性能完好率达100%25,仪器使用满意度提高。
- Monthly review of customer specific performance ratings, ex. JCI website. 每月回顾重要客户业绩表现,例如,通过JCI的网站。
- According to above construction, we formed our teacher performance rating scale.In Beijing and Hangzhou , we let different evaluators rate the same teacher using the same performance rating scale. 以这一结构为基础,我们编制了教师绩效的评价量表,并在北京和浙江杭州两地,共选取了五所学校,让不同的评价者用这个量表对同一个教师进行评价。
- AMCA International provides you with independent “third party” verification of performance ratings. AMCA组织提供独立的第三方性能认证服务。
- Eighty percent of students obtained EBM performance ratings from teachers of "agree" or"agree strongly" in six of the ten evaluation items. 在10个评估项目中,实验组有6项80%25的学生被教师认为同意或非常同意其对于实证医学的了解。
- Your carrier for this flight is British Airways. 你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机。
- The missile was launched from the aircraft carrier. 导弹是从航空母舰上发射的。
- In addition to verifying performance ratings, AMCA International provides important application information to the air movement and control industry. 除此以外,AMCA组织还可为您提供空气输送与控制设备行业中重要的应用信息。
- The commercial carrier is doing a lively business. 那家商务运输公司业务繁忙。
- Simulation result shows that the DFT-based channel estimator incorporating the CTF estimation at virtual carriers performs well with low complexity. 仿真结果表明,该算法以较小的算法复杂度实现了良好的信道估计性能。
- The performance truly exalted the audience. 演出确使观众情绪高昂。
- RBTCP is rate based, uses only end-to-end mechanism, performs rate control at the receiver, and uses inter-packet delays as the primary metric for rate control. RBTCP是基于速率的,运用端到端的机制,以分组间的延迟作为主要的监控标准在接受端执行速率控制。
- present performance rating (P.P.R.) 现时性能评级
- I didn't think her performance was up to par. 我认为她表现得不及平时。