- Caribbean Elaenia n. 加勒比海伊拉鹟
- The travel brochure lured me into taking a Caribbean vacation. 这本旅游小册子诱使我去加勒比地区度假。
- They want on a winter cruise to the caribbean. 他们航游到加勒比海去过冬。
- The proceeds of the robbery is laundered through a bank in the Caribbean. 抢劫来的钱通过加勒比海地区一家银行“洗烫”使其貌似合法。
- There are balmy Caribbean winds blowing every day. 那里每天都有从加勒比海吹来的和煦海风。
- Language and identity in Caribbean literature. 加勒比海文学的语言和特性。
- They went on a winter cruise to the Caribbean. 他们航游到加勒比海去过冬。
- They went on a winter cruise to the Caribbean . 他们航游到加勒比海去过冬。
- Caribbean Multinational Shipping Co. 加勒比地区多国海运公司
- Shepherd moons - caribbean blue. 加勒比海蓝。
- The Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. 加勒比海和墨西哥湾。
- Need passport to re-enter USA from Caribbean? 旅游加勒比海后,再重新进入美国需要护照?
- Pirates of the Caribbean At Wor. 加勒比海盗之世界尽头。
- Is he a real pirate from Caribbean? 他是不是从加勒比来的海盗呢?
- She has always wanted to go on a Caribbean cruise. 她一直想在加勒比海上作一次航游。
- Elizabeth: 1 Down: "An island in the Caribbean. 伊丽莎白:直行第一题:“在加勒比海的一个岛屿。
- We have a Caribbean Vacation Package. 我们有加勒比海假期的航程。
- Pirates of the Caribbean - De... 加勒比海盗-亡者财宝[??
- Pirates of the Caribbean 3 opens May 25th. 《加勒比海盗3》五月25日与观众见面。
- A cruise to the Caribbean has always been my dream. 搭船到加勒比海峡旅行一直是我的梦想。