- Capitulum mitella n. 龟足
- Its capitulum is pre-releasing and dense. 功能:除寒祛风、壮阳、调经、止血。
- Male inflorescences a capitulum, 6-10 mm in diam., pedunculate. 雄花序一小头花状序,直径的6-10毫米,有花序梗。
- An inflorescence with flowers borne on the walls of a capitulum, as in Ficus. 隐头花序 Hypanthodium 由着生于头状花序壁上的花组成的花序,如榕属的花序。
- Objective To investigate the operative methods in children capitulum humeral fracture. 目的探讨儿童肱骨小头骨折手术治疗的方法。
- Any of several North American plants of the genus Mitella, having heart-shaped leaves and clusters of small white flowers with pinnately divided petals. 唢呐草一种北美唢呐草属,植物,有心形叶子并有成束带羽状分开花瓣的小白花
- Definition: Artemisia Capillaris Flower is the capitulum of Artemisia capillaris Thunberg (Compositae). 本品为菊科植物茵陈蒿 Artemisia capillaris Thunberg 的头状花序。
- The name of Policies mitella, a kind of animal that lives in the coastal region of Jejiang province, the name coming from its shape like a turtle's foot. 浙江沿海的龟足因其外形像龟的脚而得名。
- Clinically,the fracture of radial capitulum is often complicated with the injury of this ligament. 同时,临床上也以桡骨头损伤合并内侧副韧带损伤多见。
- Definition: Pipewort Flower is the dried capitulum with peduncle of Eriocaulon buergerianum Koern. (Fam.Eriocaulaceae). 本品为谷精草科植物谷精草 Eriocaulon buergerianum Koern.;的干燥带花茎的头状花序。
- Inflorescences a capitulum, spike, or raceme, rarely a cyme, or with flowers inserted on a discoid receptacle. 花序小头花状序,穗状花序,或者总状花序很少聚伞花序,或者着生于一盘状花托上。(3
- Stem absent; panicle, similar to spike or capitulum; stamens subequal to perianth. 茎无;圆锥花序,类似于穗状花序或小头花状序;雄蕊近等长于花被。(4
- Leaves mostly on stem, basal leaves few; flowers not in a dense capitulum, more than 2 or 3. 在茎上的叶多数,基生叶很少;花并非在一紧密的小头状花序,多于2或3。(10
- The drug is collected in autumn, the capitulum is picked up with peduncle, and dried in the sun. 秋季采收,将花序连同花茎拔出,晒干。
- Methods To analyse the injury mechanism, operative methods, and follow-up results in 48 child cases of capitulum humeral fracture. 方法对48例肱骨小头骨折病例的损伤机制、手术方法、随访结果进行分析。
- Flos Chrysanthemi is the capitulum of Chrysanthemum Morifolium Ramat, family Compositae.Slighty cold in nature.Acrid, sweet and bitter in taste. 菊花具有疏肺平肝,明目清上焦邪热,益阴滋肾和消炎解毒的功用。
- Stem stout, simple, with leaves and large bracts; panicle not similar to spike or capitulum; stamens longer than perianth. 茎粗壮,单,具叶和大的苞片;圆锥花序不类似于穗状花序或小头状花序;雄蕊长于花被。(3
- Will blossom in July, globose capitulum, provide long power, female flower foreword is very unripe, armpit of male flower foreword is unripe. 7月开花,球形头状花序,具长柄,雌花序顶生,雄花序腋生。
- The results showed that Echinacea is capitulum, discal flower is dark-violet and liguliform, its calyx is 4, its pedicel has non-glandular hair and main root is cylindrical. 结果表明:淡紫松果头状花序,盘心花黑紫色,盘边舌状花,花萼4轮,花梗有棱样突起,数多,上面密被有非腺毛,气微味淡;
- The results showed that Echinacea is capitulum,discal flower is dark-violet and liguliform,its calyx is 4,its pedicel has non-glandular hair and main root is cylindrical. 结果表明:淡紫松果头状花序,盘心花黑紫色,盘边舌状花,花萼4轮,花梗有棱样突起,数多,上面密被有非腺毛,气微味淡;