- Calyptrolithus operculum n. 口盖无缘帽形石
- A flaplike covering, such as an operculum. 片状盖,例如蒴盖
- The shell rim joining the operculum was thick and prominent. 看不出虫龄间的皮棘差异。
- Capsules dehiscent by an operculum slightly distal to middle. 通过一个盖稍上部至中部开裂的蒴果。
- If you do, and must return your good wishes and happy operculum laugh! 如果你做到了,回报你的一定是美好的祝愿,幸福的笑厣!
- Cells in the right parietal operculum operate as we act in response to other's gestures. 当我们对他人的手势作出反应时,起作用的是我们右顶骨的细胞。
- Micropylar collar and the undeveloped forms of operculum were differentiated at the micropylar region. 珠孔区有珠孔领和孔盖的分化,但珠孔领分化不完善。
- Capsule terete or turbinate, operculum with 1 or 2 seeds falling off as a whole. 蒴果圆柱状的或陀螺状的,盖具1或2种子整体从上落下。
- Micropylar collar, operculum and parenchyma cells are differentiated at micropylar region. 种子珠孔区分化出珠孔领、孔盖和珠孔区薄壁细胞。
- There was a space between the two layers, except at the level of the operculum in the central of the ostioles. 而且可以见到在囊体骨状突出位于两囊体之间,且有一小盖,可以使虫体跑出而形成原虫。
- Our welcome rice operculum son teacher, it is the rod polar that you have a class! 我们欢迎米盖儿老师,你上课真是棒极了!
- Verbal dyspraxia may result from damage to Broca's area, the supramarginal gyrus, supplementary motor area, frontal operculum, and insula. 口语(用言语表现的)运用障碍可能是由布洛卡区域损害发生造成的,布洛卡区域是指缘上的脑回,补充性的运动区域、额盖及脑岛。
- The researchers say this part of Einstein's brain was different in another way.It lacked a structure called the parietal operculum. 研究人员说,爱因斯坦大脑的这一部分在另一方面也不相同,它缺少顶盖。
- Ovary superior.Capsule globose, ovoid, or cylindric, dehiscing by valves, rarely with an operculum or crumbling;seeds numerous. 子房上位蒴果球状,卵球形,或圆筒状,以裂爿,很少具弄碎的一盖或开裂;
- Gently hold the male on his back with one hand to expose his underside, and with the other hand, simultaneously squeeze his body in a direction from behind the operculum to the gonopodial area. 轻轻的用一只手抓住公鱼并且让它肚皮朝上,同时用另一只手顺着一个方向从鱼鳃后部到肛门处挤压。
- Having an operculum. 有鳃盖骨的
- Under scanning electron microscopy, a polyhedral and scale-like endocyst was covered with thick ectocyst and an ostiole was veiled with operculum at the junction of ectocyst and endocyst. 在扫描式电子显微镜下可以看到,外囊和内囊间的骨状突起相连处,而且可以见到厚具皱折的囊体。
- Operculum of retina without mention of detachment 视网膜盖未提及脱离
- operculum articulationis temporomandibularis 颞下颌骨关节盘
- endocarp woody, 1-4-locular with operculum. 内果皮木质,1-4室的具盖。