- California hemlock spruce 加州铁杉
- Fir: The price is about same to that of hemlock spruce. 冷杉木:和铁杉木价格差不多。
- California and Mexico are contiguous. 加利福尼亚和墨西哥相邻。
- The man was poisoned with hemlock. 这个人被用从毒芹提取的毒药毒死了。
- He looks very spruce in his new suit. 他穿着新西装,看上去很帅。
- adj. hemlock spruce abies 加拿大枞
- The pine, cedar and spruce are evergreens. 松树、 雪松、 云杉都是常绿的树。
- He lived in California until he was twenty. 他在加里弗尼亚一直住到20岁。
- Spruce and pine are evergreen trees. 云杉和松树都是常绿树木。
- Shall we drive overland or fly to California? 我们由陆路开车到加州还是坐飞机去呢?
- hemlock spruce n. 铁杉
- California has many immigrants from other states. 加利福尼亚有许多来自其他州的移民。
- We laid over in Arizona on the way to California. 我们在赴加利福尼亚州途中曾在亚利桑那州停留。
- Its trees include big leaf maples, western hemlock, and Sitka spruce. 它的树木包括大叶枫,美国西部铁杉,和北美云杉赤松。
- He was elected governor of California. 他被选为加利福尼亚州州长。
- He was elected governor of the state of California. 他当选为加利弗尼亚州州长。
- One who took part in the1849 California gold rush. 淘金客1849年争往美国加利福尼亚州淘金的人
- At the last election Mr Reagan scraped home in California. 在上次选举中,里根先生费了好大劲才在加利福尼亚当选。
- So it seems that Madison is closer to the university than Spruce. 麦迪逊广场似乎比斯普卢斯街离大学更近一些。
- A poison obtained from the poison hemlock. 毒药从芹叶钩吻中提炼出来的毒药