- O, I g t a a c i B n a. W t w l i B? 噢,我明年秋天要到北京参加一个会议,那儿的天气怎么样?
- Thoerner P,Bin Kingombe,C I B o gli-Stuber,et al. 景怀琦李继耀肖玉春邱海燕顾锋夏胜利崔志刚金东阚飙顾玲汪华徐建国.
- Rona G,Chappel C I,Blalazes T,et al. 张连元;董淑芸;张之玮;等.
- C I want to buy a digital camera! 我想要买一台数位相机耶!
- W a t o? T c i n d, n l. A t d i t l t y. 这一件怎么样?这个颜色不暗,看上去也不花哨。款式也是今年最新的。
- But I did find pomegranate berry extract, used to turn wool dye in the 1800s. 但是我发现了石榴提取物 19世纪人们用它来染毛织品
- N l d t c i s g s w c d g w t q a a,d a d. 现在让我们分成几个小组,进行小组问答、讨论及辩论。
- Co n t r a t So c i a l , 1762). 纳的当代有关战争的国际法规则的基础。
- T y. (i a m) G, I t t o. H l c I k i? 谢谢!(几分钟后)行,我就要这一本,我可以借多久?
- Y c i d i t p, t P i A a t r. I t t I s p a o i b m. 本杰明:费用是分两部分收取,预付和尾款。我还以为应该在搬运之前全部交清呢。
- Passenger(C):I really appreciate your help. This is my card. 乘客C:非常感激你的帮助;这是我的名片.
- S u m n e r W e l l e s , o p . c i t . , p p . 1 5 1 - 1 5 2 . 1 9 4 4年9月,中国共产党根据形势的发展,开始明确提出建立国共联合政府的主张。
- Wool dye Its wool, which had been dyed black, had been washed clean by the rain! 原来羊毛上染的黑色被雨水冲掉了!
- D a v i d R . G o l d f i e l d , o p . c i t . , p . 1 8 4 . 西西比投了卡特的票后,感慨地说,“摘棉花的手最终选出了总统”。
- T o l e a r n t o f orgive by pra c t i c i ng f orgivenes s . 去了解深深地伤害我们所爱的人只需要几秒钟,然而要愈合这个伤口需要许多年;
- Quaternized reactive formaldehyde-free color-fixing agent HET was synthesized, and its color fixation effect was tested for wool dyed with acid dye red G. 摘要合成了一种季铵化反应性树脂无醛固色剂HET,测定了该固色剂对羊毛织物经酸性红G染色后的固色效果。
- Moreover,the evolution and developing of application of reactive dyes on wool dyeing including dyestuff,auxiliaries and using method were introduced. 同时介绍了活性染料在羊毛染色方面,染料、助剂等方面的沿革与发展趋势。
- The extraction of gardenia pigment from gardenin fruit and the feasibility and condition of wool dyeing with gardenia pigment were studied. 探讨了栀子色素的提取及对羊毛纤维染色的可行性和染色条件。
- Its levelling ability in wool dyeing indicated that LX was a good levelling agent which can solve the problem of unlevel dyeing of wool effectively. 其在羊毛染色中的匀染性能表明,匀染剂LX能有效地解决羊毛染色不匀问题。
- I'm trying to match this yellow wool. 我在找能与这黄色毛绒相配的毛绒。