- CPC's historical figures 党史人物
- We should equitably assess historical figures. 我们应该公正地评价历史人物。
- And you steal historical figures? 你要偷窃有历史意义的画像吗?
- BHS will store one day’s historical data(D-1). BHS将存储一天的历史数据(D-1)。
- Many legends centre about this historical figure. 许多传说以这个历史人物为中心。
- Some are with historical figures and some. 有的上面绘有历史人物。
- What historical figures do you most despise? 什么历史人物是你最轻视的?
- Many famous historical figures came from a humble background. 许多著名的历史人物出身卑微。
- What are main features of memorial museums of historical figures? 人物纪念馆的基本特征是什么?
- Rousseau’s historical view came from the application of his romantic theory on the study of history. 卢梭历史观是其浪漫主义学说运用到历史学的结果。
- Which historical figure do you most identify with? 你最认同的历史人物是谁?
- This is a controversial historical figure. 对于这位历史人物,现在还没有定说。
- This article analyzes the CWC's historical background and the negotiation process, as well as its importance. 本文除叙述该公约的重要性,先就其历史背景和协商过程作评述。
- The relation between human being and nature develops realistically in the human"s historical activities. 人与自然的关系是在人的历史性活动中现实地展开的。
- If I follow Brett"s historical topic, you have three different types of robots, a spider, crawler and indexer. 源代码网整理以下 Let"s talk about how robots interpret your page for a bit.
- That is the only just and scientific -- that is, Marxist -- way to assess history and historical figures. 只有这样,我们才是公正地、科学地、也就是马克思主义地对待历史,对待历史人物。
- The city... is the birthplace of many notable historic figures. 这个城市是许多历史闻名的人物的出生地。
- The city. Is the birthplace of many notable historic figures. 这个城市是许多历史闻名的人物的出生地。
- Although San’ani song is directly associated with Yemen’s historical capital, Sanaa, it can be heard in towns throughout Yemen including rural areas. 虽然萨那歌曲与首都萨那息息相关,但在也门各地包括乡村都可以听到。
- What about some places of historic figures and culture heritage? 一些人文景观,如何?