- 税收改革得到众口一词的称赞。 The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.
- 他是改革的有力支持者。 He was an effective supporter of reform.
- 他们在鼓动反对改革。 They were agitating against the reform.
- 社会的根本改革 a radical reformation of society.
- 着手改革 to initiate a reform
- 反对改革 hostile to reform
- 深化行政管理体制改革。 We must deepen the reform of the administrative system.
- 改革宗教形式 innovate upon religious forms
- 干部制度改革迈出新步伐。 New steps have been taken in the reform of the personnel system.
- 改革的趋势是改变不了的。 So no one can alter the trend of reform.
- 这是一大改革。 Here I am talking about the need for a major reform.
- 推古朝改革 reforms of empress Suiko
- 现在是描绘改革和发展新蓝图的时候。 It is time for a new blueprint for reform and development.
- 政治体制改革包括民主和法制。 The reform of the political structure covers both democracy and the legal system.
- 对内开放就是改革。 Pursuing an open policy domestically means carrying out reform.
- 要多做几件有利于改革开放的事情。 It should do more to facilitate reform and opening to the outside.
- 城镇住房制度改革取得明显成效。 Good results were attained in the reform of the urban housing system.
- 另一份奏章是关于教会改革的。 Another paper was on church reform.
- 改革社会 to reform society
- 我们都支持这项改革。 We are all in favor of the reform.