- C型扫描 C-scan
- 扫描 scan
- C型梁 C beam
- 高斯光学型扫描全息系统的点扩散函数 Point Spread Function of Optical Scanning Holography with Gaussian Beam
- C型板 C type plate
- A型扫描 A scan
- C型环 C-type ring
- 舌黏膜血管铸型扫描电镜观察及其临床意义 Observation on the micro-vascular of lingual mucosa by scanning electron microscopy and its clinical significance
- C型翼 C-wing
- 采用计量型扫描力显微镜校准微纳米标准样板 Metrological Scanning Probe Microscopy Applied for Calibrations of Micro- and Nanoscale Transfer Standards
- C型小行星 C-type asteroid
- C型行为 C type behavior
- A型扫描 A-mode scanning; A-scan
- B型扫描 B-scan
- C型肝炎 hepatitis C
- C型压机 C - type hydraulic press
- F型扫描 F-mode scanning
- J型扫描 J-scan
- C型机翼 C - wing
- C型臂机 C arm