- c语言
- 使用著共同的游戏软件Grand Virtual。 All of them are using the Grand Virtual Gaming Software.
- 维生素C vitamin(e) C
- grand order (从地平穿过若干层的高大柱式) 高柱式
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- 旅馆:新王子大饭店Grand Hotel New Oji或同级晚餐。 Group dinner followed after hotel check-in. HOTEL: Grand Hotel New Oji or similar.
- 你能赶上开往Grand Central Station的十点二十分班车。 You can catch the ten-twenty train to Grand Central Station.
- C程序设计 Program Design in C
- Grand Hotel Minerva酒店位于文化之都佛罗伦萨,从酒店的客房及屋顶可俯视Santa Maria Novella教堂的回廊。 Gaze over the cultural city of Florence, with panoramic rooftop views and rooms overlooking the cloisters of the church of Santa Maria Novella.
- c 语言 C language
- 浆果中含有维生素C。 Berries contain vitamin C.
- 厕所(略W.C) water closet
- 升C调 C sharp (((NFC64)))
- 符号C代表版权。 C symbolizes copyright.
- 钍C' ThC'; thorium C'
- 钍C'' ThC''; thorium C''
- 镭-C' Ra-C'; radium-C'
- 亮蓝C brilliant blue C.
- B在字母表里排在C之前。 B comes before C in the alphabet.