- Our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds. 我们的帆船被逆风耽搁了。
- The sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds. 那艘帆船被逆风延误。
- Our sailboat was delayed by contrary wind. 我们的帆船被逆风所阻而延迟。
- It seem that many thing in our lives go by contrary. 我们生活中似乎有许多事与愿违的情况。
- To oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary action; check. 抵制,抵消以相反的行动使无效或减清效果;抵制
- Many events in our lives go by contraries. 我们的生活中有不少事与愿违的情况。
- Counteract:To oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary action; check. 抵制;抵消:以相反的行动使无效或减清效果;抵制.
- It seems that many things in our lives go by contraries. 我们生活中似乎有许多事与愿违的情况。
- The zigzag route of a vessel forced by contrary winds to sail on different courses. z字形航路由于逆风被迫沿一条不同的路线航行的船只的z字形路线
- The ship was delayed by contrary winds, ie blowing against the direction of travel. 航船因遇逆风而延误了.
- In those days ships were sometimes so delayed by contrary wind as to run short of fresh water and provisions. 当时船因遇到逆风而迟误,以至发生淡水和粮食不足的现象。
- He has interpreted my statement by contraries. 他把我的话解释反了。
- She said that dreams go by contraries. 她说梦与现实正相反。
- Many things in our lives go by contraries . 我们生活中似乎有许多事与愿违的情况。
- Many things in our lives go by contraries. 我们一生中的许多事情与愿望相反。
- I think it is not uglily, by contraries, it's beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑;恰恰相反;(我觉得)它挺美的.
- Dream go by contrary. 白日做梦一场空。
- Dreams go by contrary. 白日做梦一场空。
- I envy S has a busy life.He has to work, by contraries, my life is so vacant! 我羡慕S有忙碌的生活,他需要工作,而我,生活实在太空闲了!
- Certainly, translating is not an isolated paronomasia;by contrary it has its own profound societal, historical background.The dissertation will take notice of it during the discussion. 当然,翻译活动并不是孤立的文字游戏,而是有其深刻的社会历史背景,因此本文在讨论时会注意到这一点。