- Brynner Yul 尤尔·伯连纳
- While waiting offstage one night, I saw Yul Brynner, the show's star, pushing in a lunging position against a wall. 一天晚上当我在后台等待出场时,我看见表演明星YulBrynner在猛冲着向前推墙。
- While waiting offstage one night, I saw Yul Brynner, the show's star, pushing in a lunging position against a wall, it looked as thought he wanted to knock it down. 布赖纳以冲刺的架式去推一堵墙,看样子他好像是要把墙推倒。
- Tres Quarto 07. gi da rim - Lee Seung Yul 08. goo reum woo san 09. Tres Quarto(纯音乐) 07.;waiting等待(男声) 08
- The statute of the General Kwon Yul who commanded the battle. (权栗将军雕像,他指挥了这场战斗。
- A view along Laval as we made our northernly approach to runway 24R at YUL. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- "In Goong, I felt comfortable since Yul's character is similar to mine. 在剧中我比较自在因为律的性格和我本身相似;而且王子服是由制作公司提供的。"
- The Office of Advanced Education Activities in Yul, 玉林市先进性教育活动办公室
- Yul(you) hope to stay Yul(you) long enough, 煜你希望某个人一直陪在你的身边,
- poubyous hneb jib yul nzhangd dand? 蚩尤爷爷,不知道何日才得以返回?
- leave your(Yul's) excess baggage, 抛掉煜你多余的包袱,
- Yul Brynner 尤·勃连纳
- location: Close to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Intl Airport (YUL). 我们的蒙特利尔机场酒店位置理想,适合休闲旅客。
- 4.The statute of the General Kwon Yul who commanded the battle. (权栗将军雕像,他指挥了这场战斗。
- Brynner n. 布林纳
- came to blows Yul's(your) mind, 紧紧拨动煜的心弦,
- Yul n. 尤尔