- Browse for Home Page 浏览主页
- The public can browse through the council's home page for latest information. 公众人士可以浏览该局的网页,以取得最新的资料。
- He lined out for home without a backward glance. 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。
- It's time we made tracks (for home). 我们该(家)走了。
- She sighed for home and friends. 她思念家乡和朋友。
- The program can model a typical home page for you. 这个程序可以帮你制作一份典型的主页。
- He put for home after a hurried meal. 他匆匆吃完饭就出发回家了。
- These products are for home sale. 这些产品是供国内销售的。
- Click here to browse for the EGD socket file. 浏览并查找EGD套接字文件。
- For a link to the LSB home page. 其中有LSB主页的链接。
- The sun was sinking as we turned for home. 我们转身往家走时,太阳已经要落山了。
- We are now redirecting to the home page for you. 正在为您跳转至站点首页。
- These developments have created a great demand for home computers. 这些发展促使家用电脑的需求量增大。
- We couId go to a bookstore, I'II watch you browse for some hours. 我们可以去书店,我会看着你看书几小时的。
- Browse for and select a logical datacenter diagram (. Ldd) file. 浏览并选择一个逻辑数据中心关系图(.;ldd)文件。
- The trial pilot is heading triumphantly for home. 那个试飞飞行员正向基地胜利返航。
- Suppose you just redesigned your home page for the winter season. 假设您刚刚对主页进行了重新设计,以使其传达冬季的风情。
- The public can browse through the council's home page (http://www.oshc.org.hk) for latest information. 公众人士可以浏览该局的网页(网址:http://www.;oshc
- You can change which page to use for your home page. 可以更改主页。
- You can browse for the standby file or type its pathname in the text box. 您可以浏览到该备用文件,也可以在文本框中键入其路径名。