- Bronzy Jacamar n. 铜色鹟
- Just then, a stone cleverly thrown by the boy, struck the creature on thewing, but the blow did not disable it, and the jacamar ran off anddisappeared in an instant. 正在说着话,赫伯特巧妙地抛出一块石头,打着了啄木鸟的翅膀,但是并没有把它打倒,一转眼它就逃得无影无踪了。
- Blue: Is a dark steel-blue, not a silver-blue and not mingled with fawn, bronzy or black hairs. 蓝色:是深蓝色;具有金属光泽.;不可以是银蓝色也不可以掺杂浅黄褐色、青铜色或黑色被毛。
- Getting the perfect look is a snap thanks to the easy-to-follow instructions on how to achieve bronzy lids, "Pop style" in a few easy sweeps. 这个来自英国的波普风尚时尚彩妆品牌,甜美而又稍带叛逆。
- All these conclusions or estimations are got from a horizontal study ----- namely, by comparing the lacquered ware with the early bronzy ware examples in corresponding period. 许多学者之所以有这样的判断或结论,大多是在进行横向考证之后,也就是在对同时期的漆器与青铜器之间进行举例、比较之后得出的。
- This shimmering, brush-on powder creates a deep, bronzy glow.Sweep on cheeks, after Blush, using the Face Blender Brush.Works well with neutral and deep blush shades. 眼部:直接以专业眼影刷沾取你所喜爱的颜色,轻刷于眉骨或眼睑,增加眼部明亮度!
- Although there isn't a last word about the original pattern of the lacquered ware at present, most of the scholars convinced that the patterns of lacquer ware were just copied from early bronzy ware. 关于漆器纹饰的起源,目前尚无定论,但学界多持肯定态度的,是早期漆器纹饰仿青铜器纹饰一说。
- “That must be a jacamar,” said Herbert, trying to get nearer. “那一定是啄木鸟,”赫伯特一面说,一面打算走近些。
- “This will be a good opportunity to taste jacamar,” replied the sailor,”if that fellow is in a humor to be roasted! “这一回可有机会尝尝啄木鸟的肉啦,”水手说,“看它是不是愿意让我们烤一烤!”
- a spray washed chino twill cap, Cap color is black - but has the "bronzy" look material to it as well. 大家好,我们公司是做帽子的,有没有见过这种面料?
- The patterns of bronzy wares are similar to that of other sacrificial utensils, including the lacquered wares; 青铜礼器早期纹饰是对早于它作为礼器,包括漆器在内的其它器皿纹饰的模仿;
- Chestnut Jacamar n. 栗鹟
- White-chinned Jacamar n. 白颏鹟
- Pale-headed Jacamar n. 苍头鹟
- and during the long period that the bronzy ware became the vital sacrificial utensil, the counterpart finally diverged after an interactive and interdependent process. 而在青铜礼器占据礼器主要地位之后,两者纹饰经历了一个互相影响互为前提的演变过程之后,最终出现了分化。
- Bluish-fronted Jacamar n. 蓝额鹟
- Coppery-chested Jacamar n. 铜胸鹟
- Paradise Jacamar n. 黑腹鹟
- Three-toed Jacamar n. 三趾鹟
- Dusky-backed Jacamar n. 乌背鹟