- The British nation did not spring up in a generation. 不列颠民族不是在一代人的时间内崛起的。
- The British nation has not risen up in a generation. 英国民族并非在一代时期崛起。
- Other categories of British Nationals without the right of abode in the UK. 在英国没有居住权的其他英国侨民。
- Husbands and wives of British nationals do not automatically gain citizenship. 英国公民的配偶不能自动取得公民身分。
- The British national anthem is'god save the queen'. 英国国歌是“上帝拯救女王”。
- The british national anthem be'god save the queen'. 英国国歌是“上帝拯救女王”。
- His passport shows that he is a British national. 他的护照表明他是英国国民。
- The British national flag is red,white,and blue. 英国国旗是红、白、蓝三色。
- She lives in France but has British nationality. 她住在法国,但有英国国籍。
- The factories hummed and the whole British nation toiled night and day. 在工厂里机器之声震耳欲聋,整个不列颠民族夜以继日地辛勤劳动。
- He has British nationality because his parents are British. 因为他父母是英国人,因此他是英国籍。
- The Commissioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes. 国家税收委员管理英国全国的税收。
- The 2nd round of the BRCA British Nationals were held at the weekend at the Cotswolds track in Gloucestershire. 在第二轮的brca英国国民举行了上周末在科茨沃尔德的轨道在格洛斯特郡。
- The british national anthem is ' god save the queen'. 英国国歌是“上帝拯救女王”。
- But he seemed to me at this moment to embody the life-hope of the British nation. 但这个时候,在我看来,他代表了英国民族的全部希望。
- Table of Visa Fees How...Advice for British Nationals Useful Information Passports Consular Warden Network The Beijing Consular Post News... 安徽加入英国驻上海领事馆领区办理签证更方便-留学资格-出国留学...
- According to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, around 32 British nationals are in custody in Dubai at present, 21 for drugs offences. 根据外交和联邦事务部,约32个英国公民被关押在迪拜目前,21个毒品犯罪。
- The British National Debt amounts to many thousands of millions of pounds. 英国国债总计达数十亿英镑。
- The Government has ordered the aircraft carrier Illustrious to sail to the Middle East ready for the possible evacuation of thousands of British nationals trapped inside Lebanon. 英国政府已派出光辉号航母前往中东地区,为困于黎巴嫩的数千英国公民可能的撤离做准备。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。