- He had something to do with the British Embassy. 他和英国大使馆有些关系。
- Large crowd demonstrated outside the British Embassy. 很多群众在英国大使馆外面示威。
- Hundreds of demonstrators marched on the British Embassy in Tehran. 数百人在德黑兰英国大使馆前游行示威。
- British Embassy Beijing - Press Office - News - Why Qingdao? 英国驻北京大使馆-新闻处-新闻稿件-为什么在青岛?
- British Embassy Beijing - Services - Visas - What are public funds? 英国驻北京大使馆-为您服务-签证信息-什么是公共资金?
- Large crowds demonstrated outside the British Embassy. 很多群众在英国大使馆外面示威:
- Large crowds demonstrated outside the British Embassy . 很多群众在英国大使馆外面示威。
- The British Embassy is holding a party for exhibitors at the Trade Fair. 英国大使馆正在为交易会的参展者举行晚会。
- The British Embassy is holding a party for exhibitors at the Trade Fair . 英国大使馆正在为交易会的参展者举行晚会。
- British Embassy Beijing - Press Office - Stories About the UK - Why buy online? 英国驻北京大使馆-新闻处-英伦故事-为什么选择在线购物?
- British Embassy Beijing - UK and China - Culture Arts - TREND UK MAY EDITION! 英国驻北京大使馆-关于英国-文化艺术-缤纷英国新鲜体验、乐趣无穷!
- British Embassy Beijing - Visas - If you are in Chongqing - Do I need a visa? 英国驻北京大使馆-签证服务-如果你在重庆-我需要签证吗?
- The British embassy is holding a party for exhibitor at the trade fair. 英国大使馆正在为交易会的参展者举行晚会。
- The British embassy in Tokyo had sent over a supply of Scotch whisky and mincemeat pies. 位于东京的英国大使馆给他们送来了苏格兰威士忌和苹果派。
- Accordingly, he asked Marion to write to the Commercial Attache at the British Embassy to ask for advice on this point. 同时,他让玛丽恩写信给英国大使馆的商务专员,征求他对这事的意见。
- British Embassy wives told me they had had handbags snatched by passing cars as they walked along the pavement in broad daylight. 两位英国使馆人员的太太告诉我,她们大白天在人行道上行走时,被路过的车里的人抢走了手提包。
- To mark this I am raising the EU flag alongside the Union Jack in the British Embassy. 为此,我将在英国使馆的国旗旁升起欧盟的旗帜。
- The British Embassy has introduced a network of visa application centres across the country. 英国大使馆已经在中国境内开通了签证申请网络。
- British Embassy Beijing - Press Office - Speeches - Chancellor of The Exchequer-Speech at CASS. 英国驻北京大使馆-新闻处-最新讲话-戈登。
- British Embassy Beijing - Press Office - Stories about Britain - Questioning the need to succeed? 英国驻北京大使馆-新闻处-英伦故事-有必要作成功的人吗?