- Shark-Search算法 Shark-Search algorithm
- 基于Shark的工作流流程的实现方式研究 Research on Shark-based Workflow Process Solution
- FiN涂层 TiN coatings
- Fin血型抗体 Blood group antibody Fin
- Fin血型抗原 Blood group antigen Fin
- core fin (铸件缺陷) 芯飞边缺肉
- front fender fin (车身) 前扰流翅
- Fin可以被表达为数字“五”。 Fin can be represented as the number five.
- AUC(FIN)治疗前后差异无显著性,(P>0.05)。 AUC (FIN) therapy were significantly higher(P>0.05).
- 它将通过向服务器发送设置了FIN标志的TCP包来完成该操作。 It will do this by sending a TCP packet with the FIN flag set to the server.
- 模糊推理网络(FIN)和模糊联想记忆网络(FAM)是两种最重要的FNN模型。 Fuzzy inference network (FIN) and fuzzy associative memory network (FAM) are two most important FNN models.
- 因为Web服务器发送TCP FIN请求期间Web服务调用之间延迟发生此问题。 This problem occurs because the Web server sends a TCP FIN request during a delay between Web services calls.
- 例如,我们可以在发送完数据以后立即发送FIN(申请断开连接的请求信号)。 We can e.g send the FIN immediately together with the data.
- 在TCP层,通过插入FIN报文或RST报文,以关闭TCP连接(特别是与登录服务器的连接); At TCP layer,packets of FIN or RST were inserted to close a TCP connection;
- 在 K-饱和的非标准模型中,研究了泛 Loeb 可测集 m(A),pns(~*X),cpt(~*X),fin(~*X),ns(~*X)的 S-饱和性. It is shown that in a k-saturated nonstandard modcl,each of the following universally Loeb-measurable sets is S-saturated:m(A),ns(X),pns(X),cpt(X),fin(X).
- 结果ABR反应阈:爆震后3d:联合用药组恢复较NGF组和FIN组快,较生理盐水对照组明显快,并于14d后已完全恢复正常,NGF组及FIN组明显恢复,而生理盐水对照组恢复不明显; ABR threshold shifts were tested in the rats before and after the blast exposure,and cochlear morphological changes were examined with scanning electron microscopy. Results The ABR threshold shifts in the NGF group,FIN group,combination group 3 h,3 d,14 d after the blast exposure were significantly smaller than those in the NS group.