- When the brain fatigue: eating nuts, is to eat peanuts, melon seeds, walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnut, Torreya grandis better (Zhejiang specialty). 大脑疲劳时:吃坚果,就是吃花生、瓜子、核桃、松子、榛子,香榧更好(浙江特产)。
- Anglophone critics are usually in the critical ward by this stage, suffering brain fatigue or with their eyes in traction after excess subtitle exercise. 在这段时间里,母语是英语的批评家们通常都处于病危状态,因为看对白字幕过多,他们深受大脑或眼睛疲劳之苦。
- He was beaten out with fatigue when he got home. 他回到家里时已是疲惫不堪。
- She fell out from extreme fatigue. 她由于极度疲劳而掉队了。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- A very funny joke may relieve you of a whole day's fatigue. 一则非常滑稽的笑话可以使你消除一天的疲劳。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。
- His good image has stolen up on my brain. 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。
- A sudden, thought flashed across his brain. 突然一种想法在他脑海里闪过。
- He is heir to his father's fine brain. 他承袭了他父亲的聪明头脑。
- The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。
- He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash. 他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈。
- Few men endowed with the brain of an Einstein. 很少有人具有爱因斯坦的智慧。
- Fatigue is incidental to a journey in a strange land. 在陌生的地方旅行,容易疲劳。
- This crossword will really tax your brain. 这纵横字谜真能让人大伤脑筋。
- She had the affair on the brain. 她无时无刻不想着这件事。
- I've got that song on the brain. 那首歌曲一直萦绕在我的脑海里。
- Causing fatigue or boredom; wearisome. 累人的引起疲劳或厌烦的; 使人疲劳的
- The reason began to soak into his brain. 这个道理开始为他所理解。
- Since she suffered brain damage in the accident she's been a vegetable. 自从事故中脑子受损坏後,她成了植物人。