- Brachiaria mutica n. 巴拉草
- Brachiaria is predominately an African genus of grasses with about 100 species. 旗草主要分布于非洲,约100个种,其中的一些种已成为南美洲热带地区的重要牧草。
- A cryptic teardrop crab (Pelia mutica) seeks refuge inside a sponge near Bonaire Island in the Caribbean. 意译:水下面的奇特图片美术馆。一只秘密的泪珠蟹寻找庇护所在一个海绵动物里面靠近博内尔岛位于加勒比海。
- On the systematic treatment of the genera Urochloa and Brachiaria based on the structure of leaf epidermis. 从叶片表皮细胞结构讨论尾稃属与肾形草属的分合问题.
- The larger embellum could be used as a secondary screening indicator for identifying aposporous embryo sac in Apluda mutica. 存在发达的胚珠附器是水蔗草无孢子生殖胚囊的特点之一.
- Variability in incidence of apomictic and sexual embryo sacs was detected in Apluda mutica at Guangzhou City during different seasons in a wild population for two years. 摘要对广州地区水蔗草在不同季节的无融合生殖胚囊和有性生殖胚囊频率进行了研究。
- Brachiaria Griseb. 臂形草
- Brachiaria spp. 臂形草
- Apluda mutica L. 水蔗草
- yellow pond turtle ( Mauremys mutica Cantor) 黄喉拟水龟
- Brachiaria decumbens cv. Reyan No. 3 热研3号俯仰臂形草
- Brachiaria ruziziensis G. & E. cv. Reyan No.15 热研15号刚果臂形草
- Brachiaria ruziziensis G. et E. cv. Reyan No. 15 热研15号刚果臂形草
- Influence of Photoperiod on Facultative Apomixis in Apluda mutica 光照时间对水蔗草兼性无融合生殖的影响
- Seasonal variability of facultative apomixis in Apluda mutica 水蔗草兼性无融合生殖的季节变化
- Comparative Study of Salt Tolerance at the Stages of Seed Germination and Seedling of 4 Brachiaria Species 4种臂形草种子萌发期及苗期的耐盐性比较
- Effect of temperature and salintty on survival and growth of the veliger of head clam (\%Fulvia mutica \% Reeve) 温度、盐度对滑顶薄壳鸟蛤面盘幼虫存活和生长的影响
- Apluda mutica n. 水蔗草
- Brachiaria eruciformis n. 臂形草
- Brachiaria ramosa n. 多枝臂形草