- Border Security Police 边防保安警察
- The police and army have made the border secure. 警察和军队使边界变得安全。
- "Border security can no longer be just a coastline, or a line on the ground between two nations. 胡特金森说:"边境安全不能再像现在这样仅仅是两国之间的一条海岸线或者地界这样简单。
- Indian Border Security Force soldiers dance during Holi festivities at the India-Pakistan border of Golpattan. 在印度和巴基斯坦边境地区,胡里节期间印度边防士兵欢乐地跳舞。
- And since 2001 the United States has been less interested in integration than in border security. 而自2001年起,美国关心的一直是边境安全,对一体化则没多大兴趣。
- To officers and men of the People's Liberation Army,the Armed Police and the public security police. 向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和其他各界人士,对政府的信任和支持,表示衷心的感谢。
- On immigration, he favored a plan to tighten border security, create a temporary worker program, and allow illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship. 在移民问题上,他支持一项加强边境安全、创造临时工人项目、给非法移民获得公民权以通道的计划。
- One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。
- Border Security Force guard takes part in the Beating of the Retreat ceremony on Shanti Path, where most foreign embassies are located. 意译:新德里街道生活图片。边界的保安部队参加打浆的后退典礼在宁静小径,在那里许多外国使馆坐落在这里。
- Mexican President-elect Felipe Calderon to meet with President Bush at the White House on Thursday, raising concerns over U.S. Border security measures. 墨西哥当选总统死讯费利佩会见布什在白宫周四、令人担忧的美国边境保安措施。
- The German internal security police as organized under the Nazi regime,known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty. 盖世太保,纳粹政体下的德国国内秘密警察,以其用以对付那些被怀疑为犯下叛国罪或其忠实可疑的人的恐怖方法而闻名。
- Admiral Mullen said he has not seen details of the proposal, but is encouraged that an Afghan leader offered the idea as a way to increase border security. 马伦将军说,他还没有看到建议的细节,但是由一名阿富汗领导人提出这个方案,作为加强边界安全的途径,这使他感到振奋。
- The German internal security police as organized under the Nazi regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty. 盖世太保纳粹政体下的德国国内秘密警察,以其用以对付那些被怀疑为犯下叛国罪或其忠实可疑的人的恐怖方法而闻名
- Rivalries among numerous state and national agencies tasked with law enforcement, border security and intelligence gathering have also stymied past investigations. 不同邦之间以及全国执法、边境安全和情报搜集部门之间的竞争也妨碍了过去的调查活动。
- In a statement issued through the MPDF, the Kokang army said the government was pressuring it to join a border security force before Myanmar's elections scheduled for next year. 在通过MPDF发表的声明中,果敢军方表示,政府施压,要求它参加明年在缅甸举行的选举边境安全部队。
- Security and the Ministry of Public Security police use electronic product quality inspection center is the only industry inspection and testing departments. 公安部安全与警用电子产品质量检测中心是国家规定的唯一的行业检测检验部门。
- In a special campaign to crack down on gambling, the South China Sea Branch of Yanbu public security police station area of the electronic surveillance system played a role. 在打击赌博专项行动中,南海公安分局盐步派出所辖区的电子监控系统发挥了作用。
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.38. 参见莫里斯主编;李双元等译:;中国大百科全书出版社;1998年1月第1版;第1485页.
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions ,Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.33. 参见张仲伯主编:;中国政法大学出版社;1999年修订版;第293页.
- First of all,I should like to express my deep grief over the officers and men of the People's Liberation Army,the People's Armed Police Force and the Public Security Police who have died heroically in this struggle. 首先,我对在这场斗争中英勇牺牲的解放军指战员、武警指战员和公安干警的同志们表示沉痛的哀悼!