- Boehmeria bicuspis n. 双尖苎麻
- Through the method of CTAB, total DNA of Wild Species of Boehmeria nivea (Linn.) Gaudich was extracted. 摘要用CTAB法提取悬铃叶苎麻基因组DNA。
- Objective:To study methods of extraction and determination of polysaccharides in Boehmeria clidemioides var diffusa. 目的:研究提取和测定序叶苎麻多糖的方法。
- The sexual evolution of Boehmeria Jacq was from monoeciousto dioecious or fe-mal. 苎麻属植物性别演化趋势是由雌雄同株向雌雄异株或全雌株演化。
- In this paper,the shearing characteristics and parameters of the bottom stalk of ramie Boehmeria nivea(L. 以华苎4号苎麻为试验材料,测定了收获期其茎秆底部切割区的剪切机械物理特性与参数。
- Description: Caterpillars feed on Boehmeria nivea. Wingspan about 50 to 60mm. They occur from February to December. 形容:幼虫食用苧麻;展翅约50至60毫米;二月至十二月可见.
- A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea)having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small,unisexual,apetalous flowers. 苎麻一种亚洲热带的多年生草本植物(苎麻属微绿苎麻),有宽大的叶子,密集分枝的复总状花序,该花序由雌雄异花、无花瓣的小花构成
- A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers. 苎麻一种亚洲热带的多年生草本植物(苎麻属微绿苎麻),有宽大的叶子,密集分枝的复总状花序,该花序由雌雄异花、无花瓣的小花构成
- Conclusion:The method of extraction and determination of polysaccharides in Boehmeria clidemioides var diffusa is simple,reliable and stable. 结论:提取和测定序叶苎麻多糖的方法简便易行,稳定可靠。
- The flowering mechanism of the male flower of ramie (Boehmeria nivea) was studied on anatomy with stereomieroscope and SEM. 本文从解剖学的角度,用立体显微镜和扫描电子显微镜研究了苎麻雄花开花的机理。
- According to ecological characters, the Boehmeria Jacq. can be divided into four ecological types that are hyprophyte, medium-wet type, semi-humid type and xerophtic type. 苎麻属植物的种群分布与海拔高度有关,按其生态特点可分为湿生性、湿中性、半阴湿性和旱生性四大生态类型。
- Description: First recorded in Hong Kong in 2002. Caterpillars feed on Boehmeria nivea. Wingspan ranges from 60 to 70mm. Sexual dimorphism. On flight throughout the whole year. 形容:2002年香港新发现品种.;幼虫食用苧麻;展翅约60至70毫米;雌雄二型;全年可见
- Boehmeria nivea Gand. 麻
- Boehmeria nivea(L.)Gand. 麻
- Boehmeria nivea(L.) Gaud. 苎麻
- Boehmeria nivea L. 苎麻
- Boehmeria densiflora [dense-flowered false nettle] 密花苎麻
- Boehmeria platyphylla [African false nettle] 糙叶苎麻
- wild Species of Boehmeria nivea(Linn.)Gaudich 苎麻野生近缘种
- Ramie [ Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud. ] 苎麻