- Blumea flava n. 拟艾纳香
- Whats your Flava ? Amazing illustration from Will Murai, Brazil. 来自巴西的插画,像用巧克力做的,挺有意思的。
- Don) Sch.-Bip. [Erigeron alatum D.Don;Blumea alata (D. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Laggera alata (D.
- You gotta give these things a little flava, you know? 你得让这些东西有点档次。
- The Blumea balsamifera powder is a crude product of borneol. 艾粉是艾纳香制取冰片的粗级产品。
- Sting) Insomnia What‘s Your Flava Where Is The Love (Feat. Sour Candy 如果等待只能成为等待 Rise And Fall (Feat.
- This paper also shows the basic information for further research and exploitation on Blumea riparia (Bl.) DC. 为滇桂艾纳香的进一步开发与研究提供了科学依据。
- That's like Flava Flav switching to condoms after siring his 17th illegitimate kid. 这就好比flavaflav在生了他第17个私生子后改用套子。
- If the hemorrhage in macula flava,the vision development of the infant would be influenced. [Conclusio... 新生儿视网膜出血主要与产妇的分娩方式有关,累及黄斑区的视网膜出血将有碍于患儿的视力发育。
- The common species are Cololejeunea ocellata,Leptolejeunea elliptica,Lejeunea catanduana and Lejeunea flava. 南京农业大学生命科学学院江苏南京210095浙江林学院园林学院;
- Smple fenestration was adopted to resect the ligamenta flava to treat retro-Lumbar spinal stenosis for36 cases. 采用单纯开窗,黄韧带切除手术,治疗退形性腰椎管狭窄症36例。
- C onclusion:Many factors may bring the changes to flava,the changes influence spi nal function. 结论:黄韧带结构变化与多因素有关,其变化影响脊柱功能。
- Summarizes several aspects of the research on Blumea riparia(Bl.) DC, including the pharmacognosy, chemical substances, pharmacology and clinic application. 摘要全面概述了滇桂艾纳香生药学、化学成分、药理与临床应用方面的研究。
- Underground rapper Beat Assailant, who counts multi-Grammy winner Kanye West amongst his fans, spices it up with flava in "Hard Twelve. 让这些新爵士领域的后起之秀,使出浑身解数,合力混编祭出高超巧妙的无比新鲜音符。
- New York producers Anthony "Jovier" Kerr and Eddie "E Smoove" Bell present cutting edge street flava for your sampling pleasure! 来自于纽约的制作人Anthony "Jovier" Kerr和Eddie "E Smoove" Bell将为您提供目前最棒的街头音乐素材,诱惑力十足。
- Objective To deepen the knowledge of the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament(OPLL) plus ossification of ligamenta flava(OLF) in cervical spine. 目的深化对颈椎后纵韧带骨化(OPLL)合并黄韧带骨化(OLF)的认识。
- Blumea balsamifera DC. [医] 艾纳香,大艾
- Blumea DC. [医] 艾纳香属
- Blumea mollis (D.Don)Merr. 柔毛艾纳香
- Blumea mollis Merr. 柔毛艾纳香