- Blot consolidation equation 比奥固结方程
- Moreovere, static Biot's equation can be obtained as a special case of the dynamic consolidation equations. 此外,比奥静力固结方程可作为动力固结方程的特例而得到。
- One-dimensional Consolidation Equation 一维固结方程
- The consolidation equations were discretized using Crank-Nicolson finite difference form to facilitate solving them. 利用Crank-Nicolson差分格式离散非线性固结方程以方便求解。
- Blot's consolidation equation Biot固结方程
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- How can we blot out the memory of past misery? 我们怎能忘记过去的苦难呢?
- How can we blot out the memory of past misery. 我们怎能忘记过去的苦难呢?
- Application of software ANSYS to solving Biot consolidation equation ANSYS软件在Biot固结方程求解中的应用
- That new factory is a blot on the landscape. 那新建的工厂破坏了此地的景色。
- His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation. 他因卷入丑闻,在名誉上留下污点。
- Solution to Biot Consolidation Equation in the Interior of Multi-layered Foundation Bearing Force at a Point 多层地基内部作用集中力时Biot固结方程的求解
- Blot consolidation theory 深基坑
- I can't make this equation come out. 我不会解这个方程式。
- This organization needs consolidation. 这个组织需要巩固。
- Is there any way to remove the ink blot on my dress? 有什么办法去掉我衣服上的墨渍吗?
- Official misconduct was a blot on his predecessor's fair name. 滥用职权是他前任名声的一个污点。
- Blot consolidation Biot固结
- Semi-analytical Solution to One-Dimensional Consolidation Equation of Layered Non-homogeneous Subgrade 成层非均质地基一维固结方程半解析求解
- Numerical Error Analysis for Consolidation Equation by Element-Free Galerkin Method 无网格伽辽金法求解固结方程的数值误差分析