- Blatta concinna 康辛蠊
- The order of the BCR values of these four species in 2004 was Platanus spp. (8.107) > Ficus concinna (2.579) > Ginkgo biloba (1.543) > Grevillea robusta (1.055). 其效益成本比的大小排序为:悬铃木(8.;107)>小叶榕(2
- It appears in an extensive distribution in the low subtropical hills Cryptocarya concinna is a mesophytes which is early one to entry the succession community in a successional process. 在森林群落演替的过程中,黄果厚壳桂是最早进入群落的中生性树种之一。
- The limpet samples (Nacella concinna) were collected in the intertidal zone of Great Wall Bay, near the Great Wall Station, Antarctica, and analyzed by conventional biochemical methods. 采用常规的生化分析方法对南极帽贝软体部分的营养成分进行测定。
- Schizura concinna cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus 红背毛虫胞质型多角体病毒
- Ficus concinna Miq. var.subsessilis Corner 无柄小叶榕
- Decomposition of Cryptocarya concinna coarse woody debris (CWD) in Dinghushan 鼎湖山黄果厚壳桂粗死木质残体的分解
- Experimental study on the effect of blatta sterillization bait to the appetite and sterillization of germanic blattella 蟑螂绝育毒饵对德国小蠊的适口性及绝育作用试验研究
- Blatta [医] 蠊属
- Blatta germanica [医] 德国蠊
- Blatta orientalis [医] 东方蠊, 蟑螂
- croton bug Blatta 德国蠊
- Acacia concinna [acacia vine] 小合欢
- Blepharita concinna n. 齐毛眼夜蛾
- Berberis concinna n. 雅洁小檗
- Encyclops concinna n. 金绿筒花天牛
- Cryptocarya concinna n. 黄果厚壳桂
- Meconopsis concinna n. 优雅绿绒蒿
- Primula concinna n. 雅洁粉报春
- Ptilagrostis concinna n. 太白细柄茅